Uplistsikhe Cave City
- Description
Uplistsikhe, the master's fortress carved into the rock, is not only one of the oldest settlements in the Caucasus, but also a real pearl of architecture. Located in Shida Kartli, 10 kilometers east of Gori, this historical complex on the left bank of the Mtkvari River transports visitors back to centuries of antiquity. Today Uplistsikhe has turned into a fascinating open-air museum, where every corner of the stone streets and mysterious tunnels is imbued with history.
Here, among the castle walls and narrow passages, you can feel the breath of the past and see the remains of ancient architectural masterpieces. Archaeological and architectural monuments preserved in Uplistsikhe and its environs reveal the ancient secrets of the culture of the Caucasus, taking us to the Bronze Age and the circles of the Kura-Araks culture.
The name "Uplistsikhe" carries a historical meaning associated with the power of the tribal leader known as Mr. Sadari. This is a place where power and history intertwine, leaving traces of their greatness in the stone walls and ancient streets.
The legend of Uplistsikhe, although wrapped in a mystical shroud, reflects the work and skill of those who built this city carved into the rock. Each stone contains the history and greatness of those who lived and worked here in ancient times.
Visiting Uplistsikhe is like going on an exciting journey into the past, where every stone, every wall tells its own story. For those interested in archaeology, history and architecture, this place will be a real discovery. And for everyone else, this is an opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity and feel the greatness of the past.
ეს удивительное место იწვევს სიღრმისეულ გრძნობებს, სადაც შეგიძლია დაიკარგო ისტორიის და არქიტექტურის ზღაპრებში.
IIrakli Mamatsashvili
კლდეში ნაკვეთი უძველესი ქალაქის ატმოსფერო მაშინვე მოგაჯადოებს, ხოლო ეკლესია, რომელიც მწვერვალზეა მოთავსებული, სიმშვიდეს გადასცემს.
მთის წვერზე არსებულ კლდოვან ქალაქში ულამაზესი ხედები გულს ჩაუფიქრებს.
Наверху, где природа сочетается с историей, чувствуется настоящий трепет. Ветер, уносящий мысли, и удивительная перспектива времени — всё это оставляет мощное послевкусие. Там, на камнях, ты чувствуешь себя почти как часть чего-то древнего и мощного. Величие, которое трудно описать, но невозможно забыть.
A visit here feels like stepping into another time. The raw beauty of the landscape around evokes a sense of awe, as if the stones whisper stories of the past. The surroundings feel like a silent retreat for the mind, even if the journey requires a bit of patience. A place where every corner holds a secret, waiting to be discovered.
ამ ადგილის უნიკალური არქიტექტურული ხიბლი და ისტორიული სიღრმე უბრალოდ მოიხიბლავს გულს და გონებას.
ССаша Белов
Каждый шаг в этом месте отзывается в душе тихой музыкой древности, словно оживают каменные стены прошлого. Пронзительный ветер приносит истории из глубин веков, а глаза ловят каждый изгиб гор, явленный из времен, которые кажутся бесконечно далекими. Этот уголок словно дарит возможность ощутить себя частью чего-то великого и вечного, замершего во времени. Атмосфера здесь настолько захватывающая, что забываешь об окружении и просто слушаешь. Удивительное место, где прошлое и настоящее сливаются в одно целое.
У песчаного горизонта между небом и землёй вырастает каменная твердь, чудом сохранившая исторические тайны. Здесь, среди древних высеченных стен, время будто останавливается, чтобы ты мог почувствовать дух прошлого. Особенно впечатляет наличие старинной церкви, словно гармонично встроенной в эту скальную фантазию. Место, где история буквально дышит сквозь поры веков.
В ущелье, где высечены древние храмы, дыхание замирает. Кажется, что время здесь остановилось, оставив незаметные следы истории на каменных стенах. Классно, что можно фотографировать! Проникся атмосферой древности и почувствовал особую связь с культурой. Выглядит магически, особенно при закатном свете. Место, где хочется ненадолго остаться и просто впитывать дух прошлого.
MMichael I.
The climb feels like a gentle whisper from the past. Up there, the view is a quiet symphony, with the stones softly narrating old tales while the horizon stretches its arms wide. Somehow, it all feels like a forgotten page of history written in the language of the wind. Simply stunning.
FFiona B.
Perched on timeless cliffs, a place that resonates with whispers of ancient stories. Each stone seems to hold its own memory, inviting you into a past beyond imagination. Walking through paths that once echoed with the footsteps of civilizations gone by, I was enveloped in a profound sense of awe. The serene surroundings and the breathtaking panorama left me feeling incredibly small yet immensely connected to history. A visit here stirs the soul and offers a precious glimpse into the eternal dance of nature and mankind. Truly, an experience not to be missed.
CClara Lanyon
Time seems to pause among the ancient stones, with whispers of history enveloping you in their embrace. The airy expanse and textured carvings open a portal to the past, making you feel like a temporary guardian of timeless secrets. The light filtering through, casting ever-changing shadows, gives you the freedom to capture moments as cherished memories. A connection to something greater, unspoken yet intensely felt, invites reflection and awe.
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