Churches of St. George and St. Theodore, Shida Kartli, Georgia
- Description
In the mystical monastery of Shida Kartli, where time seems to slow down under the centuries-old gaze of the walls of ancient buildings, the Churches of St. George and St. Theodore are secluded. A wonderful place, shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery and historical grandeur, in the very heart of Telatgori.
The temple in honor of St. George, rising among ancient stone walls, is evidence of the late Middle Ages. Its slender architecture, with a gracefully built semicircular apse in the east, inspires the imagination with its ancient grandeur. Rectangular and arched windows along the central axis of the apse let in light, enlivening the mystical atmosphere of the temple.
The neighboring church, dedicated to St. Theodore, surprises with its architectural simplicity and majesty. Built from smaller stones than its neighbor, it carries its own history and meaning.
These two sacred places are united by a wide rectangular opening, as if inviting guests to explore their secrets. The final touches to the story are added by the narthex adjacent to the Church of St. Theodore, built of massive stones and bricks.
The glories of the past, immortalized in these stone vaulted ceilings, envelop you, inviting you on a journey through time. By visiting this amazing place, you will be able to feel the spirit of centuries and look into history lost in the fog of time.
ეს ადგილი ქარიზმატულად დასამახსოვრებელ ენერგიას ატარებს და ავტენტური ღვთისმსახურების სივრცეში გამორჩეულია სიმშვიდით და სიღრმით.
OOz Bell
There's a certain tranquility that envelops you as you stand on the hill overlooking the village. This place, with its weathered stones and gentle echoes of ancient whispers, feels timeless. The architecture, a testament to enduring craftsmanship, blends seamlessly with the landscape. My visit left me with a profound sense of peace and a connection to something greater than myself, a moment where history feels alive and the present quietly fades away.
ООльга В.
Камень за камнем складываются вековые истории, оживая в дыхании прошлого. Здесь ощущается нечто вечное и спокойное, словно время чуть замедляет свой бег. Атмосфера пронизана странной гармонией, от которой на душе теплеет. Если прислушаться, можно почти услышать шепот древних молитв. Это место дарит чувства умиротворения и легкой грусти, словно напоминает о чем-то важном, о чем забываешь в суете.
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It's a wonderful place