Kvakhvreli cave complex, Shida Kartli, Georgia
- Description
Among the picturesque slopes of Shida Kartli, at the foot of the fortified city of Uplistsikhe, on the right bank of the Mtkvari River, one of the most breathtaking monuments of ancient Georgian architecture is located - the Kvakhvreli Cave Complex. Dating back to the 7th-9th centuries, this complex occupies a special place in the history and culture of Georgia.
Carved along the steep sandstone slope is a world of mysterious caves, including a church, corridors, parking lots and a bell tower. The bell tower, rising at the top of the complex, is its unique feature. The shape of an irregular rectangle is skillfully created from stone, and its cone-shaped roof with a dome gives the place a special grandeur. Inside the bell tower, under the dome, three small jugs are surprisingly beautifully located, adding mystery to this place.
Following through dark corridors, visitors discover ancient artifacts and unique architectural details. The Kviratskhoveli Church, with its semicircular apse and intricately carved walls, is a real work of art. On the walls of the church you can see arched niches and rectangular doors, each of which leads to a new discovery and mystery.
To immerse yourself in the world of ancient traditions and history of Georgia, visitors can go to the Kvakhvreli Cave Complex. Feel the breath of the past as you stroll through its corridors and admire ancient artifacts, each of which holds its own story.
The Kvakhvreli cave complex is located in the Shida Kartli region, near the village of Kvakhvreli, and is easily accessible along a dirt road from the cemetery.
ეს საოცარი ადგილმდებარეობა ჩემთვის დაგროვილი ისტორიებითა და სიწყნარით გაჯადა; შიგნით, სადაც სული მშვიდდება და ისტორია ცოცხლდება.
Под сводами скальных мастеров кроется дух древности, отголоски молитв словно шёпотом пронизывают стены. Сквозь простые ларьки и потайные ходы сквозит ощущение времени, которое здесь будто замерло. Очарование места усиливает колокольня, неподвластно нависающая над входом. И пусть знает мой сын: именно такие места рассказывают истории лучше слов.
SSid Stone
Nestled in the craggy embrace of sandstone, this place feels both ancient and awkwardly modern. The blend of sharp angles and dim lit halls left me feeling more puzzled than peaceful. Natural light barely trickling through the narrow spaces doesn’t help the already confusing layout. It’s intriguing, yet there’s a whisper of neglect that seeps through the stones. Worth a visit, but don’t expect transcendence.
Თთეიმურაზ ოდიშარია
ქართველურად მოპირკეთებულ ქვიშაქვაში გამოკვეთილი ტაძარი და საუნჯის აღმოჩენა განსაცვიფრებელ შთამბეჭდავობას ქმნის, რაც ქუთაისში ვიზიტისას ნამდვილად არ უნდა გამოტოვოთ.
В каком-то моменте, стоя внутри вырезанного в скале пространства, я ощутил прилив древних тайн, словно пульсирующих в воздухе. Простота и величие каждой детали здесь пробуждают первобытные чувства уважения и почтения. Вкус к этому забыть невозможно; нечто, что навсегда останется в памяти, как слияние прошлого со спокойствием настоящего. Абсолютная гармония камня и истории ошеломляет и вдохновляет. Если ищешь прикосновение к вечности — здесь его найдешь.
Забираешься в глубь скалы, и время словно замедляется. Свет, проникающий через каменные двери, создает особую атмосферу тишины и уюта. Каждый шаг по каменному полу вызывает трепет, будто ты касаешься истории своими руками. Внезапно понимаешь, что всё это создано руками людей, много веков назад. Заставляет задуматься о вечности и спокойствии. Стоит посетить, чтобы на время забыть о суете и наполниться внутренним покоем.
Submerged in the whispers of ancient walls, the serenity of this hidden marvel left me breathless. Stones that cradle stories, carved deep within the earth, envelop you with a sense of timeless peace. There’s a profound feeling here, a connection between history and soul, that lingers and calls me back. An experience not just seen, but felt.
LLasha Nozadze
საოცარი სიწმინდე და არქიტექტურა პეშერების კომპლექსში ქმნის აბსოლუტურ სიჩუმეს და თავდაჯერებულობას, რაც შეუძლებელია დაივიწყო.
MMichael Hollingsworth
Imagine wandering through history carved into stone. This place is a sanctuary of echoes and shadows blended with serenity. Walking through the ancient corridors, I felt a connection to the past like never before, each step resonating with stories untold. Standing by the bell tower, where stone meets sky, the blend of old-world charm and mystery took my breath away. It's not just a visit; it's a journey to a timeless world where whispers of tradition linger in the air. Truly a captivating experience.
Issabela Stoyn
Существует мнение, что когда-то скальный комплекс Квахврели был соединен со скальным городом Уплисцихи секретным туннелем, проходящим под Курой.