Itria Monastery, Shida Kartli, Georgia

  • Description

In the heart of the Shida Kartli region, Khashuri municipality, at the foot of the mountain beauty lies the Itria Monastery, a precious architectural complex imbued with history and beauty of the 16th-17th centuries.

Founded by order of Catholicos Doroteosi, the monastery of Our Lady of Yttriya has survived centuries of difficulties and trials. The monument survived, despite fires and destruction during construction, thanks to the perseverance and dedication of its creators. Gifts and donations from King Rostom of Kartli and his wife Mariam only emphasized the importance of both the shrines and their influence on society.

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Ytria is a majestic three-nave basilica that delights with its elegance and exquisite details. Constructed from carefully crafted sandstone and brick, this architectural masterpiece features powerful columns with simple but majestic capitals. Its interior, plastered and whitewashed, is filled with light through graceful windows and decorated with relief crosses.

The bell tower, tapering towards the top, rises above the monastery complex, as if guarding its shrines. From the first floor, with its arches and vaults, to the third floor with its double-arched opening, it impresses with its grandeur and grace.

The fence, meandering along the topography of the slope, gives the monastery a feeling of security and peace. Although only remnants have survived time, it still carries the spirit of antiquity and history.

This is not just a historical place - it is a unique immersion in the atmosphere of the ancient Georgian spiritual heritage. The Itria Monastery will not only impress you with its architecture, but will also give you the opportunity to feel a connection with centuries, to feel the influence of great events and great people. Anyone who strives for spiritual elevation and seeks inspiration in beauty and history should come here.

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Itri village, Khashuri municipality, Shida Kartli, Georgia 42.02436709113839, 43.53531299703112
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  • G
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    მონასტრის ეზოში გამორჩეული უნიკალურობა სუფევს, რაც სიჩუმესა და სიწმინდეს ანიჭებს განსაკუთრებულ სირთულეს და შთაინთქმისდობას.

  • gray stars
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    საოცარი სიმშვიდე და სულიერი ჰარმონია იგრძნობა ამ ულამაზეს მონასტერში, სადაც ყოველ მონეტს შეიძლება იპოვო საკუთარი თავის მშვიდობის განცდა.

  • Д
    gray stars
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    Покой и гармония овладевают сердцем и разумом среди величественных стен. Там, где время, кажется, утратило свою силу, окружает удивительное ощущение духовного просветления. Ветер шепчет свои тайны, а природа обнимает мягким теплом. Каждый уголок пронизан историей и силой, которую ощущаешь всем существом. Здесь рождается желание задержаться чуть дольше, чтобы почувствовать это дивное место чуть глубже.

  • Д
    gray stars
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    Духовный оазис среди просторов Грузии, где время будто замерло, дарил спокойствие и умиротворение. Не смотря на путаницу с вывесками, атмосфера здешних мест оставляет в душе след благодати. Уединение в тишине вековых стен оказалось настоящим лекарством для усталого ума. Каждый камень здесь дышит историей, а воздух наполнен светлой энергией. В таких уголках начинаешь видеть мир по-новому и осознавать настоящие ценности.

  • Y
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    Когда ступаешь на территорию древнего святилища среди гор, чувствуешь, как вместе с ветром по телу проходит тишина и мир. Здесь как-то иначе думается: прожитые ошибки становятся легче, а суждения о других — тщетными. Покой и умиротворение ставят всё на свои места, заставляя вслушаться в мудрость, скрытую в дыхании каменных стен. Это место словно создано, чтобы оставить часть своего бремени и обрести свет внутри себя.

  • K
    gray stars
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    Wandering into the serene confines of this hidden gem in Georgia felt like stepping into another realm. The air, crisp and filled with whispers of prayer, seemed to slow time itself. The contrast between the signs and reality—the mystery of mothers greeting you in a place of fathers—left me pondering the tales silently held by the stones. An ambiance of gentle paradox wrapped its embrace around each moment, a captivating reminder of the world's endless surprises.

  • gray stars
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    შთამბეჭდავი ადგილია, თუმცა ინფორმაცია ადგილის შესახებ გარკვეულწილად დამაბნეველი აღმოჩნდა.

  • N
    gray stars
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    Amidst the breathtaking architecture, there's an unexpected presence that kept distracting me—a rather tall and seemingly bare figure taking root in the courtyard. While the historical allure of the site is unquestionable, this unique addition felt more like an enigma than an enhancement. It's a place where ancient serenity meets curious modernity, leaving me with mixed feelings. Perhaps next time, the spirit of the place will shine through more clearly.

  • E
    gray stars
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    In the serene embrace of Georgia's hills, I discovered an oasis of quiet reflection. A gentle sense of peace washed over me amidst the ancient walls. The whispers of history and the rhythmic beauty of ancient rituals invited a moment of introspection. A humbling experience, indeed.

  • M
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    Тихое утро среди древних камней, где время растворяется в спокойных молитвах. Здесь хочется прислушаться к шепоту веков и задуматься о вечном. Кажется, что сама природа охраняет покой этого места, окутанного призрачной дымкой истории. Величие и умиротворение соседствуют, наполняя сердце особым теплом. Атмосфера места возвращает к себе вновь и вновь, словно добрый друг, готовый поддержать в минуты задумчивости.

  • L
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    The place feels like stepping into a serene painting hanging between time and tradition. There's a quiet majesty in the air, where history whispers through ancient stones. The architecture stands like a poem of devout craftsmanship, each detail inviting reflection and peace. A must-visit for anyone seeking a glimpse of timeless beauty and solace.

  • Oksana Ostapova
    gray stars
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    Спокойное, тихое место