Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vale, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia
- Description
In the heart of the Samtskhe-Javakheti region, surrounded by majestic landscapes, is the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This architectural masterpiece, dating back to the 10th century, has survived many changes and retains its uniqueness and grandeur to this day. Initially erected as a domed structure, its appearance has undergone changes over time. In 1561–1564, the church was reconstructed, losing its dome, but retaining its historical significance.
Currently, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which has turned into a three-nave basilica, embodies the greatness of the Georgian architectural tradition. Upon entering the temple, you are greeted by magnificent decoration, and the richly decorated western entrance is especially striking. It is here, above the entrance, that you can see an impressive rectangular stone with carved figures of two horsemen, presumably Saints George and Demetrius. This work of art from the 10th century seems to take you back centuries, when masters created their masterpieces under the influence of faith and art.
Inside the church you will also find amazing details: two pillars dividing the space into three parts are reminiscent of an ancient domed structure, and uneven stones in the corners of the cornice and reliefs on the walls add an atmosphere of mystery and mystery.
This place is not only a magnificent example of Georgian architecture and history, but also a window into the past, allowing everyone to feel the spirit of antiquity and grandeur of this land.
By visiting the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can not only enjoy its beauty and architectural details, but also plunge into the rich history of Georgia, feel a connection with the past and learn more about the traditions and beliefs of this amazing country.
ეს ტაძარი თავისი ისტორიული მშვენიერებითა და სიღრმით გულწრფელად მომაჯადოვდა და მერწმუნეთ, მისი მოლოცვა დიდი სიხარულის მომნიჭებელი აღმოჩნდა.
Stepping inside, I felt as if time itself held its breath. The age-old arches whispered stories of devotion and endurance, wrapping me in a serene embrace. Each weathered stone seemed to resonate with a quiet strength, a testament to countless generations who've sought solace here. It's more than a place—it's a feeling, a gentle reminder of beauty in simplicity and history's indelible mark.
ЛЛёва Смоляков
Заходишь, и как будто шагнул вглубь веков. Величественно и как-то по-домашнему уютно. Без купола теперь, но всё равно дышит историей. Арки, кажется, помнят каждый шёпот молитв. Особенно поразила надпись на столбе — стоишь, читаешь и понимаешь, что всё вокруг говорит с тобой языком прошлого. Душа наполняется спокойствием, хочется остаться подольше.
ეს ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია ვალეში ნამდვილად ავსებს სულს სიმშვიდითა და სიძველის შთაბეჭდილებით, რომელშიც იგრძნობა ისტორიის სუნთქვა.
AAbe Hill
In the echoes of time, this place whispers stories of resilience. Stepping into the sacred space, I felt a profound sense of tranquility despite the tales of fallen arches and absence of a dome. The inscriptions on the old southern pillar caught my eye—etched words immortalizing moments of restoration. It's a testament to history's endurance and the human spirit's ability to renew itself. Standing there, amidst the restored beauty, I felt connected to something greater—a reminder that true beauty evolves.
Словно древняя песня, звучащая среди гор, эта церковь погружает в атмосферу покоя и времени, заглядывающего в вечность. Внутри — ощущение благоговения и тихой мощи, следы многовековой истории, рассказывающей о человеческой вере и стремлении к божественному. Архитектура удивляет своей изогнутой формой, будто сама природа решила поделиться своим секретом. Особое место, оставляющее в душе незримый отпечаток.
Milky Way
Церковь восхищает своей неповторимой красотой и историческим наследием. Архитектура храма поражает гармонией и величием, а каждый камень и резной элемент словно рассказывает свою древнюю историю.