Kortaneti Church of St. George, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia
- Description
The Church of St. George in Kortaneti, immersed in the beauty of historical heritage, is located in a picturesque village called Kortaneti, about 10 km from the picturesque city of Borjomi. This architectural masterpiece, built in the 10th century, is not only evidence of the transitional period in Georgian architecture, but also an excellent example of the composite search of this era.
The church is a hall-type building with a vestibule in the west, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. Its impressive facade, almost pressed against the rock, and the surrounding nature, offering a breathtaking view of the ruins of old houses, form an amazing picture.
The design of the church itself is amazing - raw stones of various sizes and shapes, built with art, create impressive facades that celebrate the greatness of times. The interior of the church, decorated with white trim, retains the spirit and atmosphere of antiquity.
To get to this historical landmark, you have to travel several kilometers on the road from Borjomi to the village of Kortaneti. Upon reaching the bridge of the same name, which crosses the path to Borjomi, a dirt road in poor condition awaits you, which, however, will reward you for all the difficulties with its amazing view.
Visiting the Kortaneti Church means plunging into the grandeur of ancient times, feeling the breath of history and enjoying the breathtaking landscapes of Georgian nature. This place is worth visiting for everyone who appreciates the cultural heritage and historical architecture of Georgia.
Mmanana Ardganikidze
მეგობრებო, წარმოიდგინეთ გამჭვირვალე კუთხე მწვანე ბორცვებს შორის, სადაც წმინდა გიორგის უძველესი ეკლესია იმალება. მისი კედლები, ძველი ქვით ნაშენი, სავსეა ისტორიით და საუკუნეების სიბრძნით. ყოველ დილას მზის სხივები აცოცხლებენ მის ფასადს, ქმნიან თვალისმომჭრელ შუქ-ჩრდილების თამაშს. შიგნით სუფევს მშვიდი და დამშვიდებული ატმოსფერო, სადაც თითოეული ქვა თავის ისტორიას ჰყვება და გეპატიჟებათ შეხება წარსულის დიდებას.