Church of the Savior in Lagami, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia

  • Description

The Church of the Savior in Lagami is an amazing historical building located in one of the most ancient regions of Georgia, Svaneti. The medieval temple, consisting of two floors, is like a mysterious puzzle that reveals the secrets of the past to visitors.

The first floor, representing the 8th-9th centuries, is a cozy living room church with a simple but charming interior and a flat altar. Later, the structure of the upper church was added to it, with a pronounced architectural maturity of the 13th century. This floor resembles a hall, divided into two equal parts by arches and pilasters, giving it majesty and sophistication.

The windows of the temple are decorated with exquisite facing shafts, and the first floor is carved from rock, and the second is from stone, masterfully adjusted to strict geometry. Every detail of the building bears traces of time and the skill of ancient architects.

But the true splendor of the Church of the Savior is manifested in its amazing painting. The walls of the lower and upper churches are crowned with paintings, among which the frescoes of the Palaiologan era stand out. This important piece of painting is striking in its variety, including scenes from the Bible, images of saints and rare iconographic designs such as the Trinity.

The Church of the Savior in Lagami is not just an architectural monument, it is living history, which everyone who appreciates the ancient secrets of art and architecture is invited to plunge into. By visiting this location, you can feel the spirit of the times and see an amazing fusion of religious symbolism and human craftsmanship.

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Lagami, Mestia Municipality, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia 43.053501216653295, 42.73919880197157
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  • T
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    შთამბეჭდავი სულიერი გამოცდილება და ისტორიული სიდიადე ერთდროულად შეგძრა.

  • N
    gray stars
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    პატარა და გამორჩეული, სადაც ყოველი ნახატი ალთდებოდა სულიერ შთაბეჭდილებას.

  • И
    gray stars
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    Место, которое обещало уединение и впечатляющие виды, на деле оказалось меньше ожидаемого. Интерьер с картинами порадовал, но обстановка показалась чуть запущенной. Экскурсовод старался, но его рассказы можно было бы сделать более живыми. Словно пришел за душевным покоем, а получил просто ещё одну остановку в маршруте.

  • Я
    gray stars
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    Зайти туда — как перенестись в другую эпоху. Вокруг царит тишина и умиротворение, будто время здесь остановилось. Это место дышит историей, и каждая деталь, от выветренных камней до старинных стен, наполняет душу каким-то особым спокойствием и трепетом. Вокруг открывается такой вид, что кажется, будто стоишь на краю мира. Определенно стоит задержаться здесь ненадолго и просто побыть в тишине.

  • I
    gray stars
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    Здесь время словно остановилось в каменной тишине. Прогуливаясь среди древних стен, чувствую, как история мягко обнимает, а тихие звуки детских голосов придают атмосфере жизнь. Простота, с которой люди здесь соединены с духовным, внушает уважение. Кажется, будто каждый уголок хранит детство одного из великих альпинистов. Для кого-то это просто место, а для меня — незабываемое соприкосновение с чем-то вечным.

  • T
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    ეს ადგილი სავსეა ისტორიით და სულიერი სიმშვიდით, რაც გულს მყუდროებისა და მშვიდობის შეგრძნებით ავსებს.

  • gray stars
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    იმ უძველესი სიწმინდის გარშემო მდუმარება და სიმშვიდე განსაკუთრებულად დამამშვიდებელი და შთამბეჭდავია.

  • С
    gray stars
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    Восхищает тишина и вековая мудрость, руками человечества закреплённые в камне. Стены здесь будто хранят эхо времени, а внутренняя атмосфера словно обнимает тёплой волной. Истинная гармония и умиротворение пронизывают насквозь, даря ощущение сопричастности к чему-то вечному. Спасибо тем, кто заботится о сохранении этой древней красоты.

  • N
    gray stars
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    Hidden amidst the serene hills, this quaint gem invites contemplation and a sense of peace. A beautifully guided experience uncovering artistic treasures inside that even a brief visit leaves a lasting imprint.

  • T
    gray stars
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    Stepping into this sanctuary felt like time traveling through whispers of ancient grace. The serene beauty embraced me, offering a moment of peace and reflection. Amidst the echoes of history, there's a profound sense of gratitude to those who have preserved this sacred haven. It's a place that lingers in memory, inviting quiet contemplation and inner exploration.

  • K
    gray stars
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    Stepping into this ancient sanctuary, built atop roots of forgotten faiths, felt like entering a living tapestry. The air was rich with whispers of history and devotion, and each corner seemed to hum with quiet dignity. Witnessing a baptism here was a deeply moving experience, connecting time and culture in a way that's hard to describe but impossible to forget. The silence outside accentuates a profound sense of belonging, not just to the place but to its story.

  • X
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    A quiet relic nestled amid rugged landscapes, this aged sanctuary offers an aura of mystery but leaves me with mixed feelings. Its serene ambiance soothed the spirit, yet the path leading up felt like an endurance test—not quite the tranquil pilgrimage I envisioned. Other surrounding landmarks tantalize the curious mind, though they somewhat overshadow the main attraction. A spot rich in history, but perhaps a bit overshadowed by its neighbors.

  • Oksana Ostapova
    gray stars
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    Великолепная маленькая церковь, которую стоит посетить после посещения музея. Резо провел хорошую экскурсию внутри.