Teklat Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia

  • Description

Surrounded by the picturesque nature of Samegrelo, among cozy mountains and valleys, the Teklat Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located. Its history goes back to the distant 19th century, and the splendor and spirituality of this place still attract pilgrims and travelers.

This is not just a holy place. Here, in the heart of the monastery, monk Alexy Shushania and his family performed their feats, becoming an example of devotion and spiritual service. The women's school and printing house operating at the monastery were centers of education and dissemination of the faith, and the printed publications published here bring light and truth to the hearts of many.

A special treasure of the monastery is the icon of the Mother of God, known as the “Unfading Flower”, brought from Mount Athos in 1904. And no less surprising is that the incorrupt thumb of the right hand of John the Baptist is kept here, immersing visitors in spiritual thoughts and sublime feelings.

The building of the monastery itself is striking in its architecture - a three-nave basilica with a protruding apse, a fully painted interior, facades decorated with relief rhombuses and a three-story bell tower, majestically attached to the western side.

Walking around the fence of hewn stones, immersed in history and faith, each visitor feels a special atmosphere of wisdom and prayerful humility, which makes the Teklat Monastery not just a landmark, but a true source of inspiration and inner peace.

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Senaki, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia 42.28999322464539, 42.04908581053563
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  • T
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    თეკლათის მონასტრის ტერიტორიის სიმშვიდე და სულიერება გულს სავსებს იდუმალი სიმშვიდით და ლამაზად აერთიანებს ბუნების სილამაზესა და სავარძელ ქრისტიანულ კულტურას.

  • gray stars
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    ეს წმინდა ადგილი ატარებს უშრედო სიმშვიდეს და სულიერ სიმძიმეს, რაც აქ უკვე საუკუნეების განმავლობაში უზრუნველყოფს რელიგიური და კულტურული სიმდიდრის არსებობას.

  • gray stars
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    მშვიდად და სიწყნარით შემოკრული დედათა მონასტერი ავსებს გულს სიმშვიდით და სიყვარულით.

  • N
    gray stars
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    Walking into this place feels like stepping into a painting of peace and serenity. The air here is thick with tranquility, and every corner whispers stories of devotion and grace. You might find yourself transfixed by the gentle hum of history surrounding these walls. For someone accustomed to the relentless pace of everyday life, it's a cocoon of calm that offers a rare moment to breathe, reflect, and just be. It's not just a visit; it's a gentle reminder of the beauty found in stillness.

  • G
    gray stars
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    Попадаешь в это место, и время замедляется. Кажется, что каждое каменное звено дышит историей, а воздух наполнен умиротворением. Интерьер поражает своей простотой и красотой, словно скрытой от глаз суетящегося мира. Ощущаешь, как невидимая рука прошлого касается сердца. Величие древних стен и тихий шепот ветра среди них говорят с тобой о вечности, даря глубокое чувство покоя и духовной тишины. Жемчужина, которую стоит увидеть и прочувствовать.

  • Л
    gray stars
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    Тишина и безмолвие, которые можно было бы назвать внутренним миром, встречают здесь каждого, но немного разочаровывает закрытая дверь. Суббота — и ни души, даже шепот ветра кажется громким. Это место хранит свою загадку за крепкими стенами, и, возможно, мне нужно было выбрать другое время для визита, чтобы проникнуться его духом.

  • Л
    gray stars
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    Здесь время останавливается и сердце успокаивается. Ощущение, словно попал в иной мир, где царит гармония и тишина. Звуки и заботы окружающего мира остаются за стенами, здесь только ты и что-то большее, что трудно объяснить. Скромность, мощь и покой этого места остаются в памяти, даже когда ты уже далеко.

  • A
    gray stars
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    Curiosity led me to a serene spot where history whispers softly through stone walls and sacred artifacts. Nestled quietly, it offers a peek into a tapestry of time, filled with devotion and intricate artistry. The presence of a unique icon and a rare relic invites a moment of reflection amidst silence. While I wandered, the echoes of past lives added a quiet depth to the humble grandeur of this place.

  • B
    gray stars
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    A serene whisper in the air, yet the echo of footsteps is silent. The closed doors stand as a gentle reminder of solitude. Curiosity led me through its grounds, but not a soul in sight. It’s a place that seems to breathe its own quiet stories, but sadly, it kept its secrets tightly shut that day.

  • lina kowalewa
    gray stars
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    В монастыре Теклати царит удивительный покой и красота.