Lesale fortress in Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia.

  • Description

Located on the top of a majestic mountain in the village of Lesale, Tsalenjikha municipality, the Lesale fortress deserves attention as a real historical monument of the 15th-16th centuries. This complex includes a fortified enclosure and an impressive rectangular tower mysteriously built into its walls.

Apparently, the entrance to the fortress was located on the western part of the fence, creating a majestic path to historical secrets. Lesale Fortress is made of rough rocks and cobblestones, giving it not only ancient beauty, but also unshakable strength.

Although the tower may retain many of its secrets, it seems to tell us part of a story that breathes the air of centuries. The majestic view from the top of the fortress reveals the stunning landscape of Samegrelo, immersing visitors in the atmosphere of the past.

We invite researchers and history buffs to immerse themselves in the mysterious world of Lesale, where every stone carries legends, and every corner of the fence preserves historical heritage. By visiting the Lesale Fortress, you will not only walk along the ancient walls, but also feel the breath of time, transported to an era of great events.

Why it’s worth a visit: For those who appreciate history and the atmosphere of antiquity, the Lesale Fortress will be a fascinating guide to the past. Here you will feel the grandeur of time, the heritage of Georgia, and panoramic views from the top of the fortress will make your trip unforgettable.

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Lesale village, Tsalenjikha municipality, Samegrelo-Upper Svaneti, Georgia
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    კომპლექსში შედის გალავანი, რომელშიც ჩაშენებულია ოთხკუთხა კოშკი. კოშკიდან რაიმე დასკვნის გამოტანა რთულია. სავარაუდოდ, ციხის შესასვლელი გალავნის დასავლეთ ნაწილში მდებარეობდა. ციხის კონსტრუქცია უხეში კლდეებითა და რიყის ქვებითაა შესრულებული.

  • Oksana Ostapova
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    Прогулка по этой крепости подарила нам чувство прикосновения к истории, где каждый камень хранит тайны прошлых веков. Виды с вершины крепости захватывают дух, а атмосфера наполняет душу спокойствием и восхищением.