Skhvavi Glacier Skhvava, Racha-Lechkhumi and Lower Svaneti, Georgia
- Description
In the heart of the mountainous region of Racha, in the vicinity of the village of Shua Skhvava, rises one of the most mysterious natural wonders - the Skhvava glacier. This amazing piece of natural heritage is located at an altitude of 1310 meters above sea level and is known for its unique beauty and mystery.
Starting with a giant sinkhole, the well takes you on an exciting adventure. Its bottom is covered with a blanket of snow, and the funnel turns into a breathtaking steep tunnel. Opening before the eyes of visitors, the cave delights with the magnificence of ice stalactites, stalagmites and centuries-old ice formations, creating a breathtaking landscape.
Skhvava Glacier is a unique combination of beauty and challenge. There are two sections of it - the first is quite accessible for exploration, while the second requires either special equipment or the ability to overcome difficult obstacles. The temperature here is always below zero, which makes this place unusually cool even on the hottest day.
The Skhvava glacier has become a symbol of the mystery and grandeur of the nature of Racha. Its unique beauty and natural uniqueness attract travelers and adventurers from all over the world, sophisticated seekers of new experiences and impressions. The peak for those who are looking for something more in nature than just a beautiful landscape - this is a place that is definitely worth a visit for those who are ready to immerse themselves in the unique world of icy wonder and the secrets of nature.
AAlice Wilson
მისი ორი განყოფილებაა - პირველი საკმაოდ ხელმისაწვდომია საძიებლად, ხოლო მეორე მოითხოვს ან სპეციალურ აღჭურვილობას ან რთული დაბრკოლებების გადალახვის უნარს. აქ ტემპერატურა ყოველთვის ნულის ქვემოთაა, რაც ამ ადგილს უჩვეულოდ გრილს ხდის ყველაზე ცხელ დღესაც კი.
Edvard Adams
This unique structure, used to store food thanks to natural cooling, is of interest for its functionality and ancient methods. A visit to this place offers a glimpse into traditional solutions to the use of natural resources and insight into the history of life in this region.
Марина Орлова
Посещение Колодца-Морозильника Схвава стало для меня настоящим приключением. С самого начала, когда я стояла у края большой воронки, заваленной снегом, я почувствовала себя в эпицентре природного чуда. Спуск в крутой туннель пещеры был одновременно захватывающим и немного пугающим. Внутри Морозильника меня поразили ледяные сталактиты и сталагмиты, словно хрустальные украшения, свисающие с потолка и поднимающиеся с пола. Величественные ледяные колонны и каскады создают ощущение, будто попала в замороженное царство, где время остановилось.
Второй отрезок Морозильника оказался более сложным, но этот вызов только усилил мою решимость. Использование веревки или прорезание ступеней во льду стало настоящим испытанием, но преодоление этих препятствий дало незабываемое чувство удовлетворения. Температура воздуха здесь всегда ниже 0°C, что добавляет уникальности этому месту. Ледяная прохлада окутывает все вокруг, создавая необычную атмосферу, которая оставляет яркие воспоминания. Морозильник Схвава – это место, которое впечатляет и восхищает своей суровой красотой и таинственной атмосферой. -
BBella Max
I recently traveled to the picturesque region of Racha-Lechkhumi and Lower Svaneti to visit the Skhvava glacier - an amazing place where ancient traditions are combined with unique natural beauty. This glacier, located among the majestic mountains, amazes with its grandeur and crystal purity, making you forget about all your worries and immersing you in a world of silence and splendor.
Having reached the glacier, I was fascinated by the pristine beauty of the surrounding landscape. The snow-white slopes of the glacier contrast with the bright green alpine meadows and dense forests, creating a stunning picture reminiscent of scenes from a fairy tale. Here every moment is filled with a feeling of grandeur and harmony, and the air, fresh and clean, fills the lungs with incredible energy.
The walk to the Skhvava glacier became a real journey back in time for me. Along the way, I met friendly locals who proudly talked about their traditions and customs. They shared stories about their ancestors, passing on ancient knowledge and legends that make this region even more special and magical.
The Skhvava Glacier is not just a natural wonder, but a place where you can feel true unity with nature and history. Leaving there, I felt incredible gratitude for the opportunity to touch such a majestic and soulful corner of Georgia. This is a place where you want to return again and again to gain inspiration and be filled with new strength.