Tskhvaricham Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia
- Description
Wonderfully located on the outskirts of the village of Tskhvarichamia, in the picturesque Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, the Tskhvaricham Church of the Ascension of the Lord of the 7th-8th centuries appears before visitors in all its majestic glory. This architectural masterpiece stands on an artificial terrace, as if towering above the surrounding landscape.
A symbol of faith and historical wealth, the church was restored in 2003 with the blessing of His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia. Currently, this place attracts not only believers, but also connoisseurs of history and architecture. A monastery is located around the church, giving this place a special atmosphere of prayerful peace and spiritual enrichment.
By visiting the Tskhvaricham church, you will plunge into the atmosphere of centuries-old history and spiritual depth. This place is worth visiting for everyone who seeks to understand the cultural heritage of Georgia and wants to feel a connection with the spiritual traditions of this amazing country.
Цхваричамская церковь поражает своей архитектурной красотой и особой атмосферой умиротворения.
ППавел Киселёв
Каменные стены под старинными куполами открыли тихую гавань для души, которую искал. В тени прохладных арок, стекающих из веков, словно вживаешься в историю. Отчетливо слышится эхо прошлых молитв, будто старые стены продолжают шептать свои тайны. Здесь каждый уголок словно наполнен благоговейным спокойствием, словно природа и камень заключили свой особый союз. После таких мест невольно начинаешь смотреть на мир иначе — спокойнее, вдумчивее.
Поднявшись на террасу, словно на край света, ощутил невероятное спокойствие и величие момента. Этот храм словно соединяет время – прошлое и настоящее. От вида вокруг захватывает дух, а стены, дышащие древностью, наполняют душу умиротворением. Среди гор и ветра здесь обретаешь настоящий покой и тишину. Стоишь, смотришь вдаль и чувствуешь себя частицей чего-то большого и вечного. Место, куда хочется вернуться снова, чтобы снова найти гармонию с собой и миром.
IIsla V.
Nestled on the ledge of a mountain, this site holds an age-old grace that's felt the moment you step onto the terrace. The sense of tranquility here speaks louder than any grand design or ornate decor. Time seems to pause, allowing you to breathe in the history and spirituality imbued in every stone. Though my journey here was brief, the peaceful aura lingers, a testament to its profound presence.
HHudson Barrett
Stepping into this sanctuary felt like traveling back in time. Its unique architectural details tell stories of ages long past. The gentle interplay of light through the stone arches adds a tranquil aura, making it a perfect spot for a quiet moment of reflection and appreciation. The craftsmanship here is not just seen, but felt deeply.
Mmanana Ardganikidze
სტილისტური ნიშნებით თარიღდება VIII-IX საუკუნეებით, სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკაა. შუა გვერდით ეკლესიებთან შედარებით უფრო ფართო და მაღალია. შესასვლელი ორია სამხრეთიდან და დასავლეთიდან. ცხვარიჭამიას სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა მკვეთრად განსხვავდება ამ …