Church of the Holy Mother of God in Davati, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia

  • Description

In the historical region of Mtskheta-Mtianeti, in the picturesque valley of the village of Davati, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Davati is located - a place where centuries are mysteriously intertwined with stone beauty. Built in the 8th-9th centuries, the Davati monastery complex delights with its grandeur and architectural sophistication. In addition to the main church, there is a small church, a tower, a chapel and a dwelling for monks.

The heart of the complex is a two-nave basilica with a chapel, symbolizing the spiritual strength and faith of the ancient masters. Inside the church, the skill of the stone carvers is amazing: every arched vault, every decorative pilaster radiates the grandeur of the past. The altar, personifying the connection with heaven, and the apse, reminiscent of the mercy of the divine touch, create a unique atmosphere of the shrine.

The small church, adjacent to the main one, is crowned with a semicircular apse and permeated with the hidden secrets of centuries. Its simple but sublime walls are like books preserving the wisdom of time.

The tower rises next to the chapel, like a guardian watching over the holy space. Its walls, permeated by time, bear traces of the past, telling us about the destinies of people and the faith that permeated every stone.

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Davati is not only an architectural work, but also a place where time has stopped so that every guest can feel the breath of history.

We invite everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of ancient times and see the greatness of the Georgian heritage to visit this amazing complex. In the Church of Our Lady of Davati you will find not only stone walls, but also the spiritual heritage of centuries, enlivened by the greatness of architectural skill and the shrines hidden within its walls.

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Davati village, Dusheti municipality, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia 41.985138795843426, 44.813651895183526
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    განსაკუთრებული სულიერი სიახლოვის განცდა გამიჩნდა ამ ისტორიულ ძეგლთან, სადაც წარსულის სიღრმეში ჩაძირვა და თანამედროვეობის წარმოსადგენად გზა ერთდროულად იხსნება.

  • M
    gray stars
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    ამ ულამაზეს ადგილზე ყოფნა სიდიდისა და სიუხვის გრძნობას აღძრავს, ხოლო კავკასიის ხედები სულიერ სიმშვიდეს განიჭებს.

  • N
    gray stars
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    მიუხედავად მიუწვდომელი ადგილმდებარეობისა, მონასტრის მშვენიერებამ და მიმდებარე ბუნების სიდიადემ მართლაც განსაკუთრებული ემოციები გამოიწვია ჩემში.

  • T
    gray stars
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    საოცარი ისტორიული ატმოსფერო, რომელიც ამ ადგილს ერწყმის, ნამდვილად ღირს მოსანახულებლად.

  • Z
    gray stars
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    In the heart of Georgia, where the road itself feels like an epic journey, there's a hidden gem that touches the soul deeply. Standing before this ancient marvel, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and history intertwined. The stones seemed to whisper tales of devotion across centuries. The journey may test your endurance, but the reward is a glimpse into the sacred serenity and timeless beauty. A pilgrimage of the heart worth every mile.

  • Л
    gray stars
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    Здесь время кажется застывшим, а истории, запечатленные в камне, словно оживают. Каменные стены дышат вековой мудростью, а сердце переполняет спокойствие. Очарование этого места невозможно передать словами — оно дает укрытие от мирской суеты и обретение внутреннего умиротворения. Каждое мгновение здесь — словно прикосновение к душевной гармонии.

  • R
    gray stars
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    Проникновенная тишина и ощущение вечности — вот что я нашёл там. Сквозь музыку гор и вековых деревьев проступает история. Словно прикоснулся к чему-то древнему и мудрому. Тишина и спокойствие здесь вызывают удивительное чувство внутреннего мира. Это один из тех опытов, которые остаются с тобой надолго.

  • К
    gray stars
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    Дорога здесь — испытание, но оно того стоит. Окружённая горами, церковь словно укрыта от суеты. Когда стоишь перед этим скромным величием, возникает удивительное чувство покоя и ясности. Атмосфера проникнута чем-то древним и сокровенным, и кажется, что время здесь течёт иначе. Впечатления остаются надолго, словно загадка, в которую хочется снова вернуться.

  • М
    gray stars
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    Путь в горы, который стоит каждого шага: тихая красота и грандиозный вид на Кавказ. Сама древняя постройка будто приглашает остановиться и задуматься о вечном. Внутреннее спокойствие и умиротворение — главные воспоминания. Не забудьте прочувствовать эту атмосферу на себе.

  • H
    gray stars
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    The serene tranquility envelops you the moment you step into this ancient enclave. The air vibrates with echoes of history, as if the stones themselves have stories to share. A masterpiece of understated beauty, it draws you in, leaving a calming imprint on the soul. Here, time feels almost irrelevant, and all that matters is the quiet reverence of the space.

  • R
    gray stars
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    A hidden gem nestled in the embrace of nature, this place is a serene escape from the everyday hustle. The short hike to reach it becomes part of the journey, revealing breathtaking views that connect you with both the earth and the sky. The tranquility and simple beauty of the architecture left me in awe, sparking a deep sense of peace and reflection. This spot does not just impress visually; it touches the spirit.

  • Е
    gray stars
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    Внутренний мир здесь раскрывает свои тайны через древние стены и тихий шепот веков. Ощущение прикосновения к чему-то величественному возникает, когда стоишь под сводами, полными истории и веры. Погружение в атмосферу, где святость и архитектура сливаются в одно, оставляет легкий трепет в душе. Незабываемость момента усиливает осознание того, что грузинский алфавит здесь ожил раньше самой церкви, словно шепотом передавая привет из прошлого. Это место, где время словно замерло, давая возможность почувствовать его течение в каждом камне и линии.

  • E
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    Lost in the wild beauty of Georgia, this ancient sanctuary captures the spirit of history, but good luck getting there—your regular car won't do, and map apps fail miserably. Imagine the thrill of finally arriving, only to find out that getting inside can be a mystifying feat. A hidden gem, yet it's frustratingly elusive; like finding a rare treasure, but without a clear path to reach it.

  • N
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    ჩემი გასახარებელია აქ მდიდარი ისტორია და არქიტექტურული სილამაზე, რაც მას განსაკუთრებული და მძაფრი გამოცდილების წყაროა.

  • P
    gray stars
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    Stepping into this place feels like walking through whispers of ancient history. The delicate stonework and the serene ambiance create an atmosphere of timeless tranquility. Witnessing the hints of early craftsmanship leaves a profound sense of connection to past civilizations. It's not just a visit; it's an experience that stirs the soul. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of history and beauty intertwined.

  • Milky Way
    gray stars
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    Очень впечатляет монастырь 4-го века. Расположение на любителя, без гида и хорошего внедорожника не найти. Но впечатления от природы вокруг и самого монастыря того стоит. В турагенствах его нет.