Pirgebuli Monastery, Kvemo Kartli, Georgia
- Description
Pirgebuli Monastery is located in the picturesque region of Kvemo Kartli, just 5 kilometers from Samshvilde. This unique monument of medieval architecture delights with its history and beauty. It includes a church, a bell tower, residential and outbuildings dating back to the developed Middle Ages.
The main building of the complex is a 13th-century church with an extension on the north side and a vestibule. Mysterious inscriptions have been preserved on the walls of the church, testifying to the reign of Rusudan with the leader Demeter. The high proportions of the church and the paired arched windows especially attract attention.
The northern annex is striking with its two independent churches, which can be reached from the main church. Currently, the vestibule is in a ruined state, but this only adds to the mystery of this place. The interior of the church was once decorated with plastered and painted walls, but only a few fragments of this ancient painting remain.
On the territory of the monastery you can see caves carved into the rocks, presumably used by the monks as places for prayer and solitude.
Although time has caused some damage, the Pirgebuli Monastery still exudes an atmosphere of mysticism and history, attracting travelers from all over the world with its unique architectural features and spiritual setting. By visiting this place, you will plunge into ancient times and be able to feel the spirit of Georgian history and culture.
დაჩრდილული მთების ფონზე მონასტრის სიჩუმე და სიმშვიდე გულს ისე ამშვიდებს, თითქოს დრო გაჩერდა.
ТТимур Козин
Архитектурная поэзия, застывшая в камне, среди скал и речных откосов. Это место — как окно в иной мир, где время течет медленнее, а тишина обнимает. Душа успокаивается, мысли приходят в порядок. Тут чувствуешь особое умиротворение и благоговение перед историей. Даже если не вы религиозны, прикосновение к многовековой культуре оставляет след в каждом, кто сюда приходит.
ААлексей Чхеидзе
Дорога туда — настоящее испытание для водителя и автомобиля. Когда, наконец, добираешься, открывается живописная панорама, но чувство, что не все усилия оправданы, не покидает. Место, безусловно, замечательное, но путь к нему реально заставляет задуматься, стоит ли игра свеч.
ССергей Бобров
Тишина и спокойствие среди каньонов — место, где история чувствуется в каждом камне. Стоишь, смотришь на древние стены и понимаешь, сколько эпох они видели. Такие места захватывают дух, оставляя легкое ощущение времени.
As I wandered through the lush embrace of the cliffs, time seemed to forget itself. The serene whispers of the river below and the ancient stones resonated with a deep calmness rarely found. The place invites a quiet reflection and fills the spirit with a profound sense of peace. Truly a gem where nature and history coalesce into a soul-soothing experience.
აქ სტუმრობა ჩემთვის სულიერ სიმშვიდესთან ერთად დაუვიწყარი გამოცდილება აღმოჩნდა, რადგან აქედან გაბრწყინებული კავკასიის ხედები მართლაც შთამბეჭდავია.
Потрясающее место, где руины времен словно оживают на фоне завораживающих видов каньона. Даже закрытые двери не лишают его магии. Природа вокруг придаёт ему особую атмосферу уединенности и тишины, особенно когда мимо каскадов пробивается журчание воды. Возникает ощущение, что время тут остановилось, позволяя стать частью чего-то вечного и древнего. Стоит потратить время, чтобы окунуться в это спокойствие и наполниться энергией места.
ეს ადგილია დროის განუმეორებლად განცდის ადგილი, რომელიც გულს სიძველის სუნთქვით ავსებს და მიანიჭებს მშვიდობას.
The winding path leads to an ancient serenity draped in stunning natural beauty. Reaching this sanctuary requires a sturdy vehicle, but the reward is a breathtaking landscape and a sense of timeless tranquility.
Finding this ancient site half-hidden in the underbrush was like discovering a secret whispered through time. Though mostly in ruins, the place exudes an eerie beauty with its crumbling walls standing defiantly against the flow of centuries. The solitude is almost palpable, making it perfect for quiet reflection. Catching a glimpse of the canyon vistas was an unexpected reward, leaving me with a sense of awe that lingered well after I left.
Perched on a rocky slope, the quiet sanctuary offers a striking contrast to the rush of the world. The air feels different here, older somehow. There’s a sense of time taking a pause. Walking through the stone walls, you might find the whisper of history in the breeze. It's a place where chaos bows to calm and the mind finds its own sanctuary. Truly a hidden gem for anyone seeking a moment of peace.
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