Goubani "Ormotsni", Kvemo Kartli, Georgia
- Description
In the wilderness of Kvemo Kartli, in the vicinity of Tetritskaro, lies one of the most fascinating historical sites in Georgia - Goubani "Ormotsni". This architectural ensemble of the 16th-17th centuries is immersed in the greenery of the Kojori forest, in the border zone of the Korogli fortress, three kilometers from the small village of Gubani.
The church and tower, built in honor of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, embody the unique architectural features of the era. The temple combines typical features of Kuppelhalle - an architectural style where walls serve as supports rather than columns - with Georgian design features. The semicircular apse of the altar, rectangular pastophores, an integrated altar and a dome resting on the corners of the altar and the projections of the walls create an atmosphere of majesty and sacredness.
The arches and walls of the church are decorated with exquisite details, and the dome, rounded at the bottom and octahedron at the top, becomes a real symbol of the ancient masters. Attention to detail is evident even in the modest decoration of the facades, with the main focus being on the dome. Restoration work has restored the original structure of the outer masses and roofs, and the ruins of an extension on the western and northern sides give the place an atmosphere of antiquity and mystery.
For those who want to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient times, there is a dirt road from the village of Goubani to the church itself. Ormotsni is located six kilometers from the Tbilisi-Tetritskaro highway, which makes it accessible to those who are looking for a place away from the bustle with a rich history and magnificent architecture.
Goubani "Ormotsni" is not only a place for historical enthusiasts, but also for those who appreciate the beauty and mysticism of ancient buildings. The splendor of the architecture, attention to detail and the atmosphere of antiquity make this a unique destination for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in Georgia's rich cultural heritage.
GGiorgi Naneishvili
ტაძრის მნახველს ემთხვევა ისტორიის სიღრმეში მოგზაურობის საოცარი შეგრძნება, სადაც წარსულის და თანამედროვე სამყაროს შეხამება მარველად აღიქმევა.
გოუბანში ვერ შევედი, მაგრამ იქაური განსაკუთრებული ატმოსფერო ნამდვილად აღძრავს ინტერესს და მღელვარებას.
ეს ადგილი გულშემატკივრობას სქელ და კოსმიურ სიმბოლეს ატარებს, სადაც გული და სული ერთიანდება ბუნების მშვენიერ ფერებთან.
ООксана Оксана
Большая собака на выходе заставила меня отступить, и я так и не вошла. Загадочная атмосфера и древние стены манили, но азарт пропал. Наверное, стоит попробовать еще раз, когда там будет поспокойнее.
Живописное место, где душа отдыхает. Горный воздух и близость природы настраивают на спокойствие и умиротворение. Кажется, там время замирает, и все заботы остаются позади. Рекомендую всем, кто ищет возможность на мгновение забыться и насладиться гармонией со всем вокруг.
ММаргарита Тараканова
Прямо с порога окутывает спокойствие и тишина, а величие архитектуры заставляет задержать взгляд на каждой детали. Чувствуется, сколь много труда вложено в этот уголок истории. Стены, хоть и просты на вид, словно шепчут о прошлом. Особое внимание занимает купол, чья красота не оставит никого равнодушным. Теперь здесь стали оазисом доброты — заботливо ухоженные церковь и территория. Приятно видеть, как люди, объединенные одной целью, восстановили это место. В такие моменты, когда время замирает, осознаешь, какую силу имеют заботливые руки и искренние верования.
ННадежда Шаповалова
Величественное спокойствие обнимает своими древними стенами. Каждый угол здесь дышит историей и передает атмосферу, где время словно замерло. Купол чарует своей искусной отделкой, а под ногами чувствуется отголосок веков. Когда входишь внутрь, кажется, что стены начинают рассказывать свои секреты, а краски на них только начинают оживать и обретать голос. Хотите прикоснуться к этому таинству — вам сюда.
ВВалентин Валентин
Купол, словно венец времени, нависает над местом, где история и вера переплетаются так тонко, что чувствуешь себя частью чего-то древнего и величественного. Башня, скромно укрытая за южным фасадом, будто страж, хранит покой этого уголка. Кажется, каждый камень здесь умеет рассказывать о столетиях, прошедших мимо неумолимо, но благоговейно. В такие моменты невольно задумываешься о вечности и собственном месте в мире. Это место больше, чем просто архитектурное сооружение — это живая память времени.
A massive dog showed up out of nowhere, blocking any chance to explore further. It made me pause, not out of fear, but genuine curiosity about what secrets lay beyond. A mix of intrigue and frustration lingered, but the appearance of the canine guard left the mysteries of this place untouched for now.
Ოოთარ თავაქარაშვილი
მრავალსაუკუნოვანი ისტორიის და შესანიშნავი არქიტექტურის მქონე ეს ადგილი საცნაურ შთაბეჭდილებას ტოვებს თავისი გულდასმით გაკეთებული ეკლესიის გუმბათით.
LLois Lowe
The peaceful solitude of a place where mountains and trees whisper ancient stories wrapped me in serenity. Paths led the way, and the surrounding beauty felt like a gentle embrace. It was a moment where time paused, and all felt in harmony.
It's like a dance of history and artistry. Walking through the site, I felt a connection that transcends time. The intricate details on the dome are mesmerizing, demanding your attention and drawing you into another era. It's a place where silence speaks volumes, and every corner tells a story. Simply standing there, surrounded by such architectural beauty, was both humbling and inspiring. Definitely a must-visit for anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of cultural heritage.
WWesley Fox
Nestled in the heart of the countryside, this spiritual sanctuary offers a unique blend of history and tranquility. The moment you step through the gates, time seems to pause. Ruins whisper tales of the past, and the towering structure commands respect with its raw, unadorned beauty. The ongoing restoration and the vibrant frescoes inside are testament to a community's devotion. Standing by the massive tower, gazing at the intricate dome, I felt a sense of peace and reverence, a reminder of the enduring spirit and timeless grandeur. It's a place that resonates deeply, inviting contemplation and gratitude.
QQuentin M.
The blend of simplicity and history is palpable here. The stark facades don't demand attention, yet the dome quietly impresses with its detail. Ruins whisper stories of the past, while restoration works add a touch of modern resilience. A peculiar mix of old and new lingers, with monks’ homes guarded by wire and an evolving dining area. An intriguing stop, if ever there was one.
Edvard Adams
Beautiful place fo visit. Road is hard.