Ujarma Museum-Reserve
- Description
The Ujarma Museum-Reserve is located in the village of Ujarma, Sagarejo Municipality, and was founded in 2015. This museum has the status of a legal entity of public law under the control of the National Agency for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Georgia, which is under the state leadership of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia. The main profile of the museum is the historical collection. It is located on an area of 9 hectares, which includes the Ujarma fortress, where buildings from various periods of the Middle Ages have been preserved. The collection presents buildings from the 5th-6th centuries, including a fortified city with a fence, towers, citadel, fortress, palace, church, as well as buildings from the 10th-13th centuries with residential and agricultural buildings. The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00, except Mondays. Tickets cost 1 GEL for pensioners, schoolchildren and students, and adults can visit for 10 GEL. However, free entry is provided to children under 6 years of age, employees of Georgian and foreign museums, ICOM members, people with disabilities and refugees upon presentation of a valid ID.
Everyday, except Monday, 10.00 – 18.00
GGreek Goddess
Отзыв о исторической коллекции:Этот уникальный музей расположен на площади в 9 гектаров, занимающей территорию крепости Уджарма, где до сих пор сохранились здания разных периодов средневековья. Погружаясь в эту коллекцию, можно увидеть сооружения с V-VI веков, включая город-крепость с башнями, оградой, церковью, дворцом, крепостью, а также строения X-XIII веков, представленные жилыми и сельскохозяйственными сооружениями. Посещение этого места позволяет стать свидетелем удивительного воссоздания исторических эпох, в которых культура и архитектура тесно переплелись, оставив нам неоценимое наследие для изучения и вдохновения.