Gurgval Church in Vejini, Kakheti, Georgia

  • Description

In the fabulous village of Vejini, surrounded by greenery in the municipality of Gurjaani, is located the amazing Gurgwal Church, also known as the Lomisa Temple. This shrine, imbued with history and spiritual secrets, recreates the age-old wisdom of the Georgian people.

It rises at the foot of a picturesque hill, surrounded by cypress trees and grapevines, as if inviting guests on the path to spiritual enlightenment. The wealth of cultural heritage, embodied in the architectural details of the temple, leaves a unique impression on everyone who sets foot on its holy land.

Legends tell of its history, of destruction caused by ignorance and recklessness, but every stone of this temple, rising above the round watchtower, is a testament to greatness and overcoming the trials of time.

For those who seek to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of ancient Georgian wisdom, the Gurgval Church represents not only a historical heritage, but also a spiritual refuge where one can feel the presence of centuries and draw inspiration from the greatness of the past.

To visit this holy place means to be imbued with the greatness of Georgian history, feel the pulse of the nation and plunge into the atmosphere of spiritual harmony, which is intertwined with the natural charm of Kakheti.

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Vejini village, Gurjaani municipality, Kakheti, Georgia 41.70586597126557, 45.81275526818391
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  • M
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    ქვისა და აგურით ნაგები უძველესი ტაძარი ვეჯინში ნამდვილ სიმშვიდესა და სულის სიმყუდროვეს ანიჭებს დამთვალიერებელს.

  • С
    gray stars
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    Какая-то удивительная атмосфера и тишина здесь. Старые булыжные стены, красный кирпич и элегантный крест на востоке, словно ведут диалог со столетиями. Внутри ощущение покоя и уюта — редкость в наше время. Обязательно загляните сюда, если будете неподалеку, особенно если хочется ненадолго отвлечься от суеты и почувствовать прикосновение истории.

  • N
    gray stars
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    A serene whisper of history greeted me as I approached the ancient stones. The harmony of brick and cobblestone told tales of past centuries, and the sight of the cross brought unexpected peace. The air felt different here, charged yet soothing. It’s a quiet nook for reflection, where time almost stands still. A place that makes you pause and just breathe.

  • natali mkrtchan
    gray stars
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    ეკლესია მდებარეობს ვეჯინისხევის მარჯვენა მხარეს, აბაშიძეების კოშკის აღმოსავლეთით ოციოდ მეტრში. თარიღდება XVII-XVIII სს-ით. ნაგებია რიყის ქვითა და აგურით. ორი შესასვლელი აქვს სამხრეთით და დასავლეთით. ეკლესიის აღმოსავლეთ ფასადში აგურის წყობით გამოყვანილია ტოლმკლავა ჯვარი.