Tskaltashua Temple, Imereti, Georgia

  • Description

Deep in the gorge of the Tsablaristskali River, at an altitude of 380 meters above sea level, there is a majestic location called Tskaltashua, which means “between the waters”. Its unique location between two rivers, Khanistskali from the east and Tsablaristskali from the west, gives this place a special charm.

From Tbilisi to this secluded corner of Georgia is only 233 kilometers, from Baghdati - 13 kilometers, and from Kutaisi - 38 kilometers, which makes it quite accessible for those who seek to discover its secrets.

This amazing piece of land has witnessed historical events and archaeological discoveries. In the 1970s, archaeologist Jamlet Jgamaya led an expedition that discovered and partially studied a monastic complex dating back to the feudal era. Not only ancient structures were found here, but also a burial place dating back to the 1st century AD. The expedition also discovered a Pontic gold coin from the time of Polemon II.

It is interesting that the famous historian Vakhushti Batonishvili describes this monastery complex in his works, calling it “well built and now inactive.” These words add additional mystery to the history of this place.

For those who appreciate the beauty of nature, historical mysteries and the atmosphere of antiquity, Tskaltashua will be a truly inspiring destination. Here you can enjoy the picturesque landscapes, feel the spirit of antiquity and plunge into the atmosphere of bygone eras.

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in the gorge of the Tsablaristskali river, Imereti, Georgia 42.018786381185166, 42.830127624020065
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