Episcopal Temple of Khinotsminda, Adjara, Georgia

  • Description

In the mysterious corners of Adjara, in the picturesque village of Khino, Kobuleti municipality, the episcopal temple of Khinotsminda is covered with the remains of its greatness. This architectural artifact takes us to the depths of the 9th century, when its stone walls witnessed many historical events.

As history reveals its secrets, the temple, towering above the surrounding ruins, reveals its tragic fate. Built as a domed church, it was destroyed in the 18th century during the invasion of the Ottoman Empire. Then in 1873, historian Dimitri Bakradze discovered it in a dilapidated state, with frescoes, the walls of which had become dilapidated and ennobled by time. In 1864, the surviving parts of the temple were deliberately destroyed, and later it was destroyed by an earthquake. But the culmination of its fate was an act of vandalism, when Emil Tarieladze decided to destroy it for the sake of building his house, involving Laz craftsmen in an act of destruction.

Despite all the disasters, the remains of the temple still amaze with their grandeur. The height of its walls, although not more than three meters, still speaks of its once magnificent architecture. The side naves, separated by walls, and separate rooms, which could be entered through small doors, tell their own unique stories. The fence around the temple, with its round shape and buildings for various purposes, also retains its mysterious charm.

After so many tests, this location has become not just an architectural monument, but also a testament to history, in which every stone keeps its own history. By visiting the Episcopal Church of Khinotsminda, you will plunge into the centuries-old mystery of Georgian history, feel the breath of the past and see how the great heritage continues to live even in ruins.

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Khino village, Kobuleti municipality, Adjara, Georgia 41.72990039681525, 42.07886981051451
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    შთამბეჭდავი ადგილი, რომელიც აუცილებლად გამოსახავს ხატოვანი მოგონება გულში თავისი სილამაზითა და სიმშვიდით.

  • G
    gray stars
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    Побывав там, я почувствовала себя словно в другой эпохе. Каждая деталь, каждая мелодия ветра через древние стены, словно нашептывали тайны времени. Внутренний покой и величие этого места захватывают дух. Здесь невольно задумываешься о вечном, находишь что-то личное среди старинных камней. Эти мгновения остаются с тобой, как напоминание о важном.

  • N
    gray stars
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    Когда заходишь сюда, чувство спокойствия наполняет до краёв. Архитектура сама по себе впечатляет, но не она главная. Здесь словно слышишь, как душа отдыхает от суеты. Люди вокруг дружелюбны и уважительны, а атмосфера пронизана светом и добротой. В таком месте забываешь о времени и просто наслаждаешься тишиной.

  • gray stars
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    დამფენსველი სიმშვიდე და საოცარი სულიერი უდიდებულება მომაგებინა ამ ადგილმა.

  • L
    gray stars
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    Walking through its ancient doors, I felt a gentle wave of serenity wrap around me. The beauty inside is not just in the timeless walls, but in the sense of peace that whispers to your soul. It's a place where whispers of the past invite you to pause and breathe. My heart felt lighter when I left, as if it had shared in a quiet, joyful confession.

  • B
    gray stars
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    A daunting climb, but reaching the top rewards you with serene beauty and silent whispers of the past. A place where stone and spirituality blend, leaving you in awe.

  • gray stars
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    Завораживающая тишина в этом месте