

Popular places worth visiting in Pasanauri

The Most Frequent Questions

What is the distance to Pasanauri from Batumi?

The distance from Pasanauri to Batumi is 265 kilometers in a straight line, 390.9 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 394.3 kilometers along the highway.

What is the distance to Pasanauri from Tbilisi?

The distance from Pasanauri to Tbilisi is 74 kilometers in a straight line, 101.1 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 87.1 kilometers along the highway.

Where is Pasanauri?

Pasanauri is an urban village in the suburbs of Dusheti, in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Georgia. It is located 88.5 kilometers from the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, at an altitude of 1050 meters above sea level. The Georgian Military Road passes through this village, and the White and Black Aragvi rivers merge half a kilometer away, forming the Aragvi River.

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