

Popular places worth visiting in Omalo

The Most Frequent Questions

What is the distance to Omalo from Batumi?

The distance from Omalo to Batumi is 341 kilometers in a straight line, 504.6 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 504.6 kilometers along the highway.

What is the distance to Omalo from Tbilisi?

The distance from Omalo to Tbilisi is 102 kilometers in a straight line, 182.8 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 185.7 kilometers along the highway.

Where is Omalo?

The village of Omalo is located in the Akhmeta municipality of the Kakheti region of Georgia. It is located in the Pankisi Gorge, on the right bank of the Alazani River, northeast of the city of Akhmeta.

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