
Popular places worth visiting in Natakhtari
- Natakhtari village, Mtskheta-Mtianeti 41.916485841566335, 44.72732267490042 [Temporaly closed]
Mosaic "Battle" at an old bus stop
- Mtskheta-Mtianeti 41.913164936849405, 44.70815337364886
Convent of the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear"
Visit the Convent of the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" in Natakhtari for spiritual renewal and peaceful sol…
- Natakhtari village, Mtskheta-Mtianeti 41.918669479996126, 44.726082113543484
Check out "Basse'inn" - the best public swimming pool in Natakhtari. Great for sports and recreation with the whole fam…
- Natakhtari Airport, Mtskheta-Mtianeti 41.921151021430965, 44.71876823515652
Natakhtari airfield
Explore the services and facilities at Natakhtari Airfield, from pilot school to events and air shows. Aviation enthusi…
The Most Frequent Questions
The distance from Natakhtari to Batumi is 258 kilometers in a straight line, 344.8 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 337.5 kilometers along the highway.
The distance from Natakhtari to Tbilisi is 26 kilometers in a straight line, 57.8 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 30.3 kilometers along the highway.
Natakhtari is located north of Tbilisi, in the Mtskheta municipality of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region of Georgia.