
Popular places worth visiting in Mukhrani
- Mukhrani village (Shiosubani), Mtskheta municipality, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia, 41.933885081378385, 44.573035870500874
Mukhrani fortress
Explore the Mukhrani Fortress in Mtskheta-Mtianeti, where history comes alive among ancient walls and majestic landscap…
- Mukhrani village, Mtskheta municipality, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia
Armenian Church in Mukhrani
Discover the secrets of the ancient Armenian Church of Gregory the Illuminator in Mukhrani - a unique historical and sp…
- Mukhrani village, Mtskheta municipality, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia
Chateau Mukhran
Discover the Chateau Mukhran winery in Mukhrani, a historic site with outstanding Georgian wine and unique vineyard tou…
- Mukhrani village, Mtskheta municipality, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia
Hall Church (Mukhrani Castle)
The church in Mukhrani, located on the territory of an ancient fortress, is a unique combination of historical architec…
The Most Frequent Questions
The distance from Mukhrani to Batumi is 245 kilometers in a straight line, 333.3 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 326.3 kilometers along the highway.
The distance from Mukhrani to Tbilisi is 33 kilometers in a straight line, 71.5 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 42.7 kilometers along the highway.
Mukhrani is located in the Mtskheta municipality of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region of Georgia. It is located on the territory of the historical region of Mukhrani.