Public school No. 6 in Marneuli
- Description
Public school No. 6 in Marneuli is an educational institution located in the city of Marneuli. The school offers education for students of all ages, providing quality education and modern educational programs. Qualified teachers work here to help students develop their knowledge and skills.
The school has the necessary infrastructure for comfortable learning: spacious classrooms, a library, gyms and playgrounds. In addition to the educational process, the school hosts various events aimed at the comprehensive development of children, such as sports competitions, cultural and educational events.
You can contact Public School No. 6 to enroll students, receive information about curricula and programs, as well as to participate in various school events. Parents and students are encouraged to visit the school to become familiar with its facilities and learning conditions.
Mon:10:00–16:30; Tue-Fri: 09:00–16:30; Sat-Sun: Closed