College in Marneuli

  • Description

College in Marneuli is an educational institution located in the city of Marneuli, which provides education at the level of secondary vocational education. The college offers a wide range of educational programs in various fields, including technical specialties, business and management, information technology and the humanities. The educational institution is equipped with modern laboratories, classrooms and libraries, which ensures high-quality preparation of students for future professional activities.

The college in Marneuli is aimed at students who seek to gain specialized knowledge and skills for successful employment or continued education in higher education institutions. The educational institution actively interacts with local businesses and organizations, which allows students to undertake practical training and internships, gain real-life work experience and increase their chances of finding a job after graduation.

Visit the College in Marneuli to get acquainted with the curriculum and admission conditions, learn about internship and employment opportunities after completing your studies. The college also holds open days and various educational events where you can get to know the teachers, students and the infrastructure of the educational institution.

College in Marneuli invites everyone who is interested in quality education and professional development to become part of a friendly student family and discover new prospects in education and career.

Тип организации
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Marneuli, Kvemo Kartli, Georgia
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Work schedule

Mon-Sat: 10:00–05:00; Sun: Closed

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