Charitable organization and educational center "DreamPartner" in Marneuli

  • Description

The charitable organization and educational center DreamPartner in Marneuli is engaged in supporting international and multi-ethnic relations, as well as implementing projects in the field of culture and education. The center actively works with the media, conducts environmental events, human rights work and rehabilitation programs. DreamPartner provides a variety of courses, workshops and training to help people develop new skills and abilities.

DreamPartner actively participates in public life, organizing and conducting cultural events, as well as being involved in social work. Courses offered include piano, table tennis and language courses, making the center attractive to people of all ages seeking personal growth and broadening their horizons.

DreamPartner is worth visiting for anyone interested in cultural exchange, environmental initiatives, human rights support and rehabilitation. Here you can get a quality education, learn new skills and contribute to the development of multi-ethnic and international cooperation, as well as become part of an active and positive community.

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Marneuli, Kvemo Kartli, Georgia
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