Restaurant "Bakery on coals"

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2 reviews
  • Description

Welcome to the charcoal bakery restaurant! We offer a unique experience that will transport you to a world of authentic flavors and aromas.

We are located at RQQH+CVH, Kobuleti, Adjara, Georgia, making us accessible and convenient for all visitors. Located in the heart of the city, our restaurant is a favorite among locals and tourists.

Upon entering the restaurant, you will experience a cozy atmosphere and welcoming environment. Our interior combines modern and traditional elements, creating a special atmosphere that immerses you in an authentic Georgian experience.

Our bakery's menu is impressive in its variety of dishes. We specialize in wood-fired baking, which gives each dish a unique taste and aroma. You can enjoy different types of breads, pies, cookies and other homemade delicacies. In addition, we have a wide selection of beverages to satisfy every taste.

We also offer a variety of services and amenities to make your visit as comfortable as possible. We have Wi-Fi so you can stay connected, as well as a friendly and attentive staff ready to answer all your questions and concerns.

The restaurant "Bakery on coals" is open for visitors every day from 11:00 to 19:00. We invite you to spend time in our cozy atmosphere and enjoy the atmosphere and tastes of authentic Georgian cuisine.

Don't miss the opportunity to try our delicious dishes and hospitality. We are waiting for you in the restaurant "Bakery on coals"!

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RQQH+CVH, Кобулети, Аджария, Грузия
Work schedule

Пн - Вс 11:00-19:00

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2 reviews
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  • T
    gray stars
    red stars

    Не могу рекомендовать это место. Еда была не очень вкусной, обслуживание медленным, а интерьер и атмосфера – неудовлетворительными. Я бы предпочла пойти куда-нибудь еще.

  • D
    gray stars
    red stars

    Отличное место! Был приятно удивлен атмосферой и гостеприимством ресторана. Вкус хлеба, пирогов и печенья оказался настолько домашним и традиционным, что словно вернулся в детство. Очевидно, что владельцы вкладывают душу в каждое блюдо. Обязательно вернусь сюда снова, чтобы насладиться этими вкусами ещё раз!