Fast food "N1"

  • Description

The restaurant "ნახახულევი" is a unique place where traditional Georgian cuisine is combined with exquisite service and an atmosphere that will take you to the heart of Georgia.

We are located in the center of Khoni, at დავით კობეშავიძე, Khoni, Imeretia, Georgia. Due to its convenient location, our restaurant is easy to find and become the perfect place to relax after a walk around the city or to meet with friends.

The atmosphere and decor of "ნახახულევი" are created with love for the heritage and culture of Georgia. Here you will experience a cozy and warm environment that is enlivened by our friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere. We offer comfortable seating and stylish interiors so you can enjoy an evening with your family or host a party with friends.

You can make reservations in advance to make sure you will have a seat at our restaurant. Just give us a call at +995 577 34 27 38 and we will be happy to assist you.

Our menu includes a wide selection of traditional Georgian dishes and drinks. We pride ourselves on high quality products and attention to every detail to make your taste experience unforgettable. We recommend trying our popular dishes such as khinkali, khachapuri and shashlyk. We also offer specials for every day of the week to diversify your visiting experience.

At "ნახახულევი" we care about your comfort and enjoyment. In addition, we offer a takeaway service if you prefer to enjoy our food in the comfort of your home.

Come to "ნახახულევი" restaurant and enjoy Georgian hospitality and amazing cuisine. We are sure that your visit will be unforgettable.

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დავით კობეშავიძე, Хони, Имеретия, Грузия
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  • L
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    მომსახურება სწრაფი და მეგობრულია, მაგრამ საჭმლის ხარისხი საშუალოზე დაბალია. საფასური მისაღებია, მაგრამ სამზარეულოს სისუფთავეს აკლია. კარგი ვარიანტია როცა ძალიან გეჩქარება, თუმცა მეტყველი არ ვიქნებოდი კიდევ დაბრუნებაზე.

  • V
    gray stars
    red stars

    Стопроцентно обожаю это местечко! Быстро, вкусно, чисто и приятное обслуживание. Бургеры здесь просто объедение, каждый кусочек - настоящий кулинарный взрыв. Проще говоря, самый лучший фастфуд, где мне приходилось бывать! Порции приличные - и в бюджет влазит, и сытно. Непременно приеду сюда снова и всем советую. Этот локальный неожиданный гастрономический шедевр я запомню надолго. Пусть и замкнутое пространство, но атмосфера невероятно уютная!

  • Г
    gray stars
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    Зашел в кафе фаст-фуд. Очереди не было, обслуживание было быстрым и вежливым. Попробовал новый бургер, и он превзошел ожидания - сочный и ароматный. Цены приятно удивили, обязательно вернусь за еще

  • Е
    gray stars
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    Каждый раз, когда хочется чего-то простого и вкусного, выбираю чебуреки в этом кафе