Mobile and computer equipment, land cadastral drawings in Khobi
- Description
Mobile and Computer Equipment, Land Cadastral Drawings in Khobi, Georgia is a one-stop destination for those in the mobile and computer business who need land cadastral services. They will help you here both when buying a new mobile phone or computer, and when choosing the right software. Also here you can get advice on land cadastre issues, order the development and execution of cadastral drawings. In addition to providing services related to technology and land registry, the place is also a source of useful information on these issues. All services are offered in a professional and friendly environment.
Copy coords
Coords are copied
st. Tsotne Dadiani, 188, Khobi, Khobi municipality, Samegrelo - Upper Svaneti 42.31762979890775, 41.90230998650854
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Work schedule
Mon-Sat: 08:00–20:00; Sun: 09:00–20:00
They speak languages