School-gymnasium in Kaspi

  • Description

The school-gymnasium in Kaspi is an educational institution that provides students with comprehensive development and quality education. The gymnasium educates children from the first to the eleventh grades, the main focus is on both the standard school curriculum and in-depth study of a number of subjects.

Education at the gymnasium school is aimed at developing the intellectual, creative and physical abilities of students. Highly qualified teachers use modern techniques and innovative approaches to teaching, promoting the comprehensive development of each child’s personality.

The gymnasium offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs and sections, which allows each student to find something to their liking and show their talents. Students can take part in various Olympiads, competitions and sports competitions, which helps develop their leadership skills and self-confidence.

Parents who are interested in quality education and diversified development of their children should contact the gymnasium school in Kaspi. All conditions are created here for comfortable and safe learning, as well as to support students on the path to academic success and personal growth.

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st. Saakadze, 126, Kaspi, Shida Kartli, Georgia
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    Преподаватели здесь очень стараются, но заметно не хватает разнообразия в методах обучения. Уроки часто следуют одному шаблону, что быстро начинает надоедать детям. Надеюсь, в будущем школа станет уделять больше внимания индивидуальному подходу и интересным задачам для учеников.