Rhinoplasty in Georgia - a procedure for correcting the nose

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries in Georgia nowadays. It is understood as a type of plastic surgery that involves changing and correcting the size and shape of the nose, eliminating congenital defects, and giving an aesthetic appearance to the face.

Improving nasal breathing, including correcting the nasal septum, is one of the most important goals of rhinoplasty clinics. You can count on polite, friendly, and responsible treatment from the medical staff, as well as an individual approach to all patients.

Trust between patients and surgeons is very important, as it helps to achieve the best results.

Call the clinic and find out all the details, specifics, and nuances of performing rhinoplasty surgery in Tbilisi. Make an appointment for a consultation with a plastic surgery specialist!


1 comment

  • F
    Сейчас стала довольно популярна такая пластическая операция как ринопластика. Обычно ее проводят в подростковом возрасте, люди, имеющие врожденные полные расщелины верхней губы, в результате чего задействован также и нос. Также эту операцию могут проводить люди, которые недовольны своей внешностью, то тоже не является чем-то зазорным.