Cafe "Megobari"
- Description
Welcome to Megobari cafe restaurant!
Our restaurant offers a unique combination of taste, style and atmosphere. We are conveniently located at FFRW+M47, Gudauri, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia, which makes our restaurant easily accessible by all means of transportation. If you are looking for a place where you can enjoy delicious food and good service, "Megobari cafe" - is the perfect choice for you.
Our restaurant is open daily from Monday to Sunday from 10:30 to 16:30. We have a wide selection of food and drinks to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Our menu includes popular Georgian dishes such as kharcho, khachapuri and chicken. We also offer a variety of drinks including delicious mulled wine, good beer and flavored coffee. We pride ourselves on the quality of our food and strive to provide our guests with an unforgettable experience.
"Megobari cafe" has a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Our décor creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, and our lovely fireplace creates the perfect place for a romantic dinner or friendly get-togethers. Our staff is friendly and attentive to each guest to ensure a luxurious service and comfortable stay.
We also have a number of additional services and amenities to make your visit enjoyable and convenient. We offer card payment options and also provide a takeaway food delivery service.
We invite you to visit our restaurant "Megobari cafe" and enjoy delicious Georgian cuisine, excellent service and unrivaled atmosphere.
Пн - Вс 10:30-16:30
ССергей Церетели
Вчера зашёл в местное кафе и был приятно удивлен. Теплая атмосфера и великолепный вид на горы моментально усилили чувство уюта. Блюда были просто восхитительны — особенно понравился местный хачапури, который заставил меня влюбиться в грузинскую кухню ещё больше. Персонал дружелюбный и внимательный, что добавило особого шарма вечеру. Настоятельно рекомендую посетить это замечательное место!
Побывала в кафе "Megobari" в Гудаури и, к сожалению, этот поход оказалась довольно скучной. Атмосфера была унылой и безжизненной, что создавало ощущение, будто я провожу время в пустом пространстве без какого-либо вдохновения или веселья.