Social Service Agency in Chokhatauri

  • Description

LSI Social Service Agency in Chokhatauri is a licensed government agency that provides comprehensive social services to the population of the region. Aimed at supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population, including the elderly, people with disabilities, low-income families and refugees.

The agency offers a variety of services, such as social support and advice, assistance in the selection and registration of various social benefits and allowances, and also provides assistance in employment and preparation for work.

They usually contact this agency to receive up-to-date information about existing social programs, resolve housing issues, provide financial assistance and other types of social support.

The agency's employees are highly qualified and professional, which guarantees a high level of service to everyone who seeks help.

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st. Nodara Dumbadze, urban-type settlement Chokhatauri, Guria 42.01727864731779, 42.23943059632342
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