

Popular places worth visiting in Chokhatauri

The Most Frequent Questions

What is the distance to Chokhatauri from Batumi?

The distance from Chokhatauri to Batumi is 40 kilometers in a straight line, 81.2 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 77.7 kilometers along the highway.

What is the distance to Chokhatauri from Tbilisi?

The distance from Chokhatauri to Tbilisi is 216 kilometers in a straight line, 307.4 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 275.8 kilometers along the highway.

Where is Chokhatauri?

Chokhatauri is located in Georgia, in the region of Guria. It is located 310 km west of Tbilisi, in the valley of the Supsa River. Chokhatauri is the administrative center of the Chokhatauri municipality, which includes 61 other villages. Near Chokhatauri there is a balneological resort Nabeglavi, where there is a source of mineral water similar in composition to Borjomi. Also not far from Chokhatauri is the mountain resort of Bakhmaro, famous for its unique wooden houses on stilts.

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