School football stadium in Borjomi
- Description
The school football stadium in Borjomi is located in the village of the New District, next to the fourth state school. This stadium attracts young football players and sports fans with its accessibility and natural beauty of the surrounding nature. The grass at the stadium is really neat, which creates pleasant conditions for games and training.
However, it is worth noting that the screens and doors in the stadium are in need of repair, and the seating area and surrounding area could be in a cleaner condition. Visitors should be careful as there is a risk of injury due to the poor condition of some elements of the stadium.
A visit to the School Football Stadium in Borjomi is recommended not only for educational purposes, but also for sporting events and active recreation. However, to improve the conditions and safety of sports, it is necessary to ensure regular maintenance and repair of this sports ground.
Необычное место с контрастами. Трава на поле ухоженная, как будто только что постриженная, приятно даже просто на неё смотреть. Но вот общее состояние стадиона расстроило - есть разрушенные сетки и двери, что немного портит впечатление. Приятно было бы, если эту часть тоже привели в порядок. В общем, играть тут можно, но стоит быть внимательным и берегите ноги!