Preparing to Move: Important Steps and Essential Items for a Comfortable Move

We figure out how to properly prepare for the move: get rid of the excess, measure the furniture, plan the arrangement and choose the right transport. Get helpful tips and a list of essential items for your move. A successful move to a new home starts with the right preparation!"

How do you think you should start preparing for the move? Boxes for things? Suitcases for clothes? No, that's not right. The very first thing you should start with is to prepare your nerves! Start going to yoga a month before moving, meditate a week before this event, and on the night before the "X" day, add a couple of drops of valerian to tea. Great, now you are completely ready to move!

There is some truth in this joke - nerves will be useful to you when moving no less than cardboard boxes, bags, tape and a screwdriver. But since we have already conducted a mini-course on saving your nervous system, now is the time to study the material - namely, to understand what things you will need in preparation for the move and on the "X" day itself. In this article, we will tell you in detail what needs to be done and provide a list of items needed to move to a new apartment.

What information and steps are important before moving and how to provide them in advance

1. Get rid of excess: create a harmonious and cozy home

One of the important rules of acquiring new things is getting rid of old ones. If you want to create a cozy, new, clean and beautiful house, you need to get rid of the old house, which can be cluttered and uncomfortable. Conduct an express audit of everything that you have accumulated, and get rid of broken and unnecessary things that no longer bring you joy. One of the methods recommended by order expert Marie Kondo is the question: "Does this thing give me joy?". Leave only what evokes pleasant emotions, whether it's clothes, household appliances, decor or bed linen. Following this advice, you will be able to create a truly beautiful and cozy home surrounded only by the things that you love.

However, in addition to getting rid of unnecessary things, it is also necessary to properly organize the remaining items. Divide them into groups according to their type, such as clothes, accessories, books, cosmetics, dishes, household appliances, gadgets and others. Pack the items in groups in boxes to make it easier for you to find the right things.

2. Measuring the size of furniture and household appliances: the key to a successful move

It is very important to measure the dimensions of furniture and household appliances in advance to be sure that they will be able to pass through the doorways of a new house. This will also help determine which furniture should be disassembled before moving, and which can be left assembled.

3. Necessary hygiene items, towels and hair dryer

It is important to have quick access to towels, hygiene products and a hair dryer. It is recommended to assemble a separate bag with bathroom accessories, which can be immediately placed in the bathroom.

In addition to basic hygiene items, do not forget to bring sunscreen, toothpaste, toothbrush and other necessary personal hygiene products. This will help keep you fresh and clean during the first days after moving.

4. Selection of a suitable vehicle for transportation: safety and comfort

Selection of a suitable vehicle for transportation: safety and comfort

It is important not only to pay attention to the method of transportation when moving, but also to the choice of vehicle. When ordering a truck, you should specify its load capacity to make sure that your things will fit without problems. The ideal option is the arrival of a truck together with a team of experienced movers. For example, in the Attic we offer a turnkey relocation service that includes all the necessary stages of relocation. This means that our mover drivers take on all types of work related to moving, which makes the process as convenient and safe as possible for you.

5. Payment of bills and termination of contracts at the old address

One of the important tasks that must be completed when moving is the timely payment of utilities, such as electricity, Internet, gas and rent. However, when you change your place of residence, there is a risk of receiving invoices and payment reminders at the old address, where you no longer use the relevant services. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to take a number of actions.

First of all, it is important to pay all current utility bills at the old address. Check whether there are debts to electricity suppliers, Internet service provider, gas company and management organization. Pay all bills in full and make sure that you have no outstanding debts.

Further, it is necessary to terminate all contracts related to the provision of services. Contact each service provider and notify them of your intention to terminate the contracts in connection with the move. This applies to the Internet service provider, telephone company, cable TV provider and other organizations with which you have concluded agreements. Follow their instructions regarding the termination process and make sure that all the formalities are carried out correctly. Keep copies of the termination documents for your own protection.

6. Marking of moving boxes

Moving is a process related to packing and transporting your belongings. To facilitate the subsequent unpacking and organization of new housing, it is important to label the boxes correctly. Preparing markers and stickers for numbering and signing boxes will help you with this.

One of the ways to facilitate the identification of boxes is to apply bright inscriptions on both sides of each box. The markings should be large enough to be seen from afar. Thus, you will be able to easily determine the contents of each box even with a small overview of the room. It is recommended to use different colors of markers or bright stickers to distinguish boxes with different items or categories of things.

Special attention should be paid to boxes with fragile things. In addition to general labeling, it is recommended to use separate bright stickers or inscriptions indicating the fragility of the contents. This will help carriers and your family to pay special attention to these boxes and ensure more careful handling of your fragile items.

Don't forget to also make a list of the contents of each box. This will allow you to quickly find the right things after moving without opening all the boxes. You can put the box numbers on the list and on the boxes themselves in order to have a system of accounting for transportation and unpacking.

Remember that proper labeling and organization of boxes will help make the moving process more structured and efficient. Be careful when packing and don't forget about the labeling system to save time and avoid unnecessary hassle.

Preparation of necessary materials and accessories for packaging

When preparing for a move, there are a number of important things to keep in mind in order to ensure proper preparation and a smooth moving process. Here is a list of necessary items and materials:

  1. Cardboard boxes of various sizes: Get enough boxes to pack all your things. Different sizes of boxes will help you pack items of different sizes and shapes. In addition, pay attention to the quality of the boxes - they must be durable and reliable.
  2. Packing tape: You will need a high-quality packing tape to secure and seal the boxes. It is recommended to purchase several rolls of tape so that there is enough for all boxes.
  3. Bubble Wrap: It is a useful material for protecting fragile items such as glass, tableware, frames and electronics. Wrap each fragile item in bubble wrap to prevent damage during transportation.
  4. Filling materials: To prevent the movement of things in boxes during transportation, fill the empty spaces with newspapers, clothes, towels or other soft materials.
  5. Garbage bags: useful for packing unnecessary things or garbage before moving. You can use construction bags for larger items or divide small items into categories and pack them in small bags.
  6. Travel bags and suitcases: they can be useful when packing clothes and other necessary things. It is important to choose strong and spacious bags that can withstand the weight and keep the contents in good condition.
  7. Markers and labels: Mark each box with a marker indicating its contents and the room to which it should be delivered. This will facilitate the process of unloading and distributing boxes around the new house.
  8. Stretch furniture film: If necessary, fix and protect the furniture by wrapping it in a stretch furniture film. This will help prevent damage during transportation.
  9. Tools: Having a set of basic tools such as screwdrivers, keys, scissors and a hammer can be useful for disassembling furniture or performing other tasks during a move.
  10. Sheets of paper or a notepad and pen: Use them to write down lists of things to organize the packing and transportation process. You can also use them to record contact information, addresses, and other important data.
  11. Portable batteries and chargers: Make sure you have spare batteries and chargers for electronic devices so that they remain available during the move.
  12. First aid kit: It is always useful to have a first aid kit with basic medical preparations and dressings on hand in case of possible injuries or unforeseen situations.
  13. Important Contacts List: Create a list of important contacts such as family members, friends, communication services and delivery services. This will help you stay in touch and solve important issues in a timely manner.
  14. Change of clothes and personal hygiene items: Pack the change of clothes and the necessary personal hygiene items in a separate bag or box so that they are available immediately after moving.
  15. Special items and documents: If you have valuables such as documents, money, jewelry or collectibles, it is recommended to carry them with you personally, and not pack them with the rest of the things.

In addition to this list, you can add any other items that you consider necessary according to your individual needs and circumstances. Moving can be a difficult process, but with the right preparation and organization, it can go smoothly and without problems.

Preliminary preparation of new housing before settling in

On the eve of moving to a new apartment, many measures can be taken to make this process more comfortable and smooth. Let's add a few more useful tips to the list:

  • Create a list of important contacts: make a list of contacts of the management company, neighbors, electrician, plumber, and other specialists who may be useful to you during the move and after it. This way you will be able to quickly respond to any questions and problems that may arise.
  • Organize a box labeling system: to simplify the process of unpacking and placing things in a new apartment, make sure that each box has a bright and clear label indicating the contents and the room where it should be delivered. This will allow you to quickly find the necessary items and avoid unnecessary hassle.
  • Decide in advance on the placement of furniture: if you have plans for placing furniture in a new apartment, draw a plan in advance and mark the places for each item. This will allow movers to quickly and accurately place furniture in its place and save time on rearrangement.
  • Prepare a small box with basic necessities: among them may be toilet paper, soap, towels, toothbrushes, a small pharmacy kit and other important little things. This will allow you to feel comfortable immediately after moving and avoid unnecessary stress, because you will always know where the things you need are.
  • Study the nearest shops and services in advance: before moving, analyze the surrounding infrastructure. Find out where the nearest shops, pharmacies, cafes, parks, and other places that you may need are located. This will help you navigate in a new area and adapt quickly.
  • Prepare a home office: if you work from home, pay special attention to the organization of the workspace. Provide all the necessary conditions for effective work, including a table, a chair, good lighting, and a reliable Internet connection.
  • Order a pizza or a ready-made dish for the first evening: to save time on cooking after a busy day of moving, you can pre-order a pizza or other ready-made dish that will be delivered to your new place of residence. So you can enjoy a delicious meal without too much hassle.
  • Following these tips, you will be able to make the process of moving more pleasant and organized, and adaptation to a new apartment smoother and more comfortable. Good luck in your new home!

How to organize a move with children and pets

If you have children and pets, it is recommended to arrange with relatives or close friends so that they take them to themselves for the time of moving day. This is a measure that will greatly facilitate this often difficult process.

Moving is an event that requires organization and attention to many details. When there are children and pets in the house, this process can become especially difficult and cause additional worries. Organizing a move takes time, effort and energy, and in such a situation it can be difficult to take care of children and pets at the same time.

To facilitate this process, it is worth asking for help from close people who can temporarily take care of your children and pets on the day of moving. This will allow you to concentrate on the process of moving without being distracted by the supervision and care of them.

In addition to taking the load off you, this approach will also ensure safety and comfort for your children and pets. During the move, the house can be noisy and messy, and this can cause stress in children and animals. Moving to a new place in itself can be stressful for them. Therefore, having the opportunity to send them to relatives or friends during the move, you will create a calmer and safer environment for everyone.

In addition, moving day can be physically and emotionally exhausting for all family members. You will have to take care of a lot of things, pack, carry and unpack things, arrange a new home. In such conditions, it is difficult to take care of children and pets at the same time. By sending them to relatives or friends for a while, you will be able to pay more attention to the moving process and solve the problems that arise without unnecessary stress.

In addition to moving, this approach can be useful in other situations when you need to temporarily get rid of the supervision of children and pets. For example, if you need to carry out repairs in the house or you are planning a long business trip, ask relatives or friends to take on this responsibility. This will help to maintain the regime and comfort for your children and pets during changes in their normal environment.

How to collect a sufficient minimum for the first time after moving

1. Organization of the initial stock of food and beverages

In addition to preparing dinner for the evening of the move, you can make a separate set with easily prepared foods and snacks, such as juices, nuts, fruits and ready-made breakfasts. It is also worth thinking about food that can be quickly cooked or reheated in a microwave oven. This will provide you with the necessary nutrition in the first days after moving.

In addition to the listed products, it is useful to have a bottle of water or other drinks with you to stay hydrated during the move. It is also worth considering the possibility of buying groceries on the spot after arrival to free up space in packed bags and boxes.

2. Preparation of clothes and shoes for the first time

It is recommended to prepare basic sets of clothes to avoid the need to do laundry and drying in the first week after moving. This will allow you to focus on other aspects of the new place of residence.

In addition, it is worth considering the peculiarities of the climate and season in a new place of residence. If you are moving to an area with a cold climate, you need to provide yourself with warm clothes, including a coat, hat and gloves. In case of a hot climate, do not forget to take light and airy clothes.

3. Necessary hygiene items, towels and hair dryer

It is important to have quick access to towels, hygiene products and a hair dryer. It is recommended to assemble a separate bag with bathroom accessories, which can be immediately placed in the bathroom.

In addition to basic hygiene items, do not forget to bring sunscreen, toothpaste, toothbrush and other necessary personal care products. This will help you keep fresh and clean during the first days after moving.

4. Bed linen, blankets and pillows

It is best to pack bed linen, blankets and pillows in one large bag with sturdy handles. These items, although light, take up a lot of space. You can also use a large package that is convenient to carry by tying it with a rope for easy taking from either side.

In addition to bed linen, it is recommended to bring extra blankets or blankets in case the weather in the new place of residence may be cool. This will provide you with a comfortable sleep and protection from the cold.

5. Children's things

It is recommended to use vacuum bags and boxes for packing children's clothes and toys. This will reduce the volume and effectively pack the child's belongings. Large toys and constructors can be conveniently transported in store packages.

In addition to clothes and toys, do not forget to bring a baby bed, including sheets and pillows. It is also worth taking into account the peculiarities of baby food and taking with you the necessary products or formula for feeding in order to provide the child with everything necessary in the first days after moving.

6. Medical arsenal

Medicines should be carefully packed in a plastic bag to protect them from accidental ingress of moisture. If the move is delayed, it is necessary to take measures to preserve medicines that require storage in a cool place, for example, place them in a special refrigerator bag.

It is recommended to divide them into categories and sign them so that it is easier to find the right medicine if necessary. It is also worth checking the expiration dates of drugs and replacing outdated ones to ensure safe use.

7. Household goods

For safety and convenience of transportation of bulk substances, such as various powders or soda, it is recommended to transfer them to containers with an airtight lid. Similarly, bottles of cosmetics should be packed in such a way as to prevent accidental spills of liquid that can negatively affect other things.

It is recommended to use stickers indicating the contents of containers to make it easier to identify what is inside and avoid confusion when unpacking.

8. Taking care of pets

If you are unable to temporarily transfer your pets to relatives or friends and you are going to move with them, it is necessary to provide them with certain comfort conditions:

  • Prepare toys for the pet during the trip to entertain him and reduce stress.
  • Provide access to drink for your pet during the move and consider a special water carrier to ensure a constant drinking supply.
  • Take care of a sufficient supply of food for the pet so that he does not feel hungry in the stressful situation of moving.
  • Don't forget to take your pet's favorite treats to keep him in a good mood and stimulate his appetite.

9. Chargers for mobile devices

For the convenience of organizing chargers, it is recommended to put them in one box or a special bag. Also, before the day of moving, it is necessary to charge all technical devices as much as possible in order to be always in touch and avoid a situation when important communication means are discharged.

Additionally, we can mention the need to check the compatibility of chargers with various mobile devices. In some cases, it may be necessary to have special adapters or cables for full charging.

10. Packing and unpacking tools

The presence of tools, such as a stationery knife or scissors, is necessary both when packing and unpacking things. To always have them on hand, it is recommended to put them in a small waist bag, where they will be easily accessible at any time.

It is recommended to use organizers for small items to avoid their loss or confusion. It is also useful to have a roll of tape and markers with you to mark boxes with things and facilitate the process of their subsequent unpacking.

11. Security of important documents

During the move, there may be situations when you need quick access to certain documents related to the apartment or other important matters. Therefore, it is recommended to keep these documents nearby and safe. Instead of putting them in a regular cardboard box, a more practical option would be to use a dense waterproof folder with many compartments in which all papers and documents can be conveniently placed.

12. Disposable tableware for the first days

For convenience and to save time after moving, it is recommended to purchase a set of disposable tableware for the first 2-3 days. This will avoid the need to look for a box with ordinary dishes and do washing in the first days in a new place.

The secret of a successful move: convenience of storage in warehouses in Tbilisi

Choosing the optimal place to temporarily accommodate your cat during the move is your decision, but we can help you properly pack and organize the transportation of your belongings. Even with a minimal amount of things to move, you will still need packaging materials, a truck and movers, and there is also an alarm about whether the refrigerator will pass through the doorway and how to disassemble the bulky sofa.

However, you can avoid all these problems by contacting the storage services in Georgia. Our warehouses in Tbilisi provide a convenient and safe place for temporary storage of your belongings during the move or when you do not have enough space in a new home. Our professional staff knows all the subtleties and storage requirements, and we guarantee that your belongings will be stored in ideal conditions.

Advantages of using storage services in Georgia

  • Saving time and effort: There is no need to waste time searching for packaging materials and organizing transportation. We provide everything you need to pack and transport your belongings to our warehouse.
  • Professional packaging: Our experienced staff will carefully pack each item in the appropriate material, ensuring its safety during storage and transportation.
  • Safe storage: Our warehouses are equipped with modern security systems, controlled access and video surveillance, which protects your belongings from theft and damage.
  • Flexible conditions: We offer various storage options to suit your individual needs. You can choose the size and type of storage space, as well as the duration of storage.
  • Professional Staff: Our team provides high-quality service and is always ready to help you with any questions or needs related to the storage of your belongings.

The key factor when moving: the importance of a positive attitude

In addition to storing things during the move, you can also use our services for long-term storage of seasonal items, pieces of furniture or other things that you are not using at the moment. We will ensure the safety and security of your belongings, freeing you from the need to organize additional storage space.

So, if you are planning to move or need a safe place to store things, contact our storage services in Georgia. We will make the process of moving more convenient and safe for you, freeing you from unnecessary hassle and anxiety. Our team is ready to help you with any storage needs and ensure your satisfaction with our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

📦 What are the basic items needed to move?

To move, you will need the following items:

  • Cardboard boxes for packing things
  • Packing Tape
  • Bubble wrap or newspapers to protect fragile items
  • Markers for marking boxes
  • Unpacking knife or scissors
  • Straps or rubber ties to secure the boxes

🏠 How many boxes will I need?

The number of boxes needed to move depends on the size of your house or the number of things. Focus on the average figure of 10-20 boxes per room. Don't forget to purchase additional boxes in case you need them.

📋 How to label boxes?

For convenience, it is recommended to label each box when moving. Use a marker and write on the box a description of its contents and the room where it should be delivered. This will help you unpack things in the right order.

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  • V
    Эта статья именно та, которую следует сохранить, если собираетесь переезжать в будущем. Переезд дело сложное, и я изначально знала, что оно потребует усилий, времени, денег и ресурсов. Благодаря советам и организации многое можно сэкономить.
    Особенно нужной показалась часть про домашних животных.Я планирую переезд и переживаю за своих кошек, ведь достаточно много случаев, когда животные во время переезда страдают, погибают или убегают. Статья подсказывает, как избежать многих рисков или хотя бы снизить их, даже говорит о том, как снизить стресс для своего любимца.
    Хотелось бы узнать, какую игрушку купить себе, чтобы снизить стресс от такого сложного процесса, как переезд :)
  • Н
    Перед переездом не забывайте о своих нервах! Подготовьтесь к этому событию, занимаясь йогой и медитацией. Но помимо этого, не забывайте и о материалах для переезда. Важно знать, какие вещи вам понадобятся, чтобы все прошло гладко. В статье мы подробно разберем, что нужно делать и какие предметы пригодятся вам в этот день. Следуйте нашим советам, чтобы переезд прошел легко и без стресса.
  • А
    Какие полезные советы! Переезд - это всегда такое захватывающее и одновременно напряженное время. Эта статья предоставляет незаменимый список необходимых вещей для упорядоченного и беззаботного переезда. Благодаря этому набору основных предметов, я чувствую себя готовой к своему новому началу!
  • А
    мне кажется многие люди путают вопрос, который рекомендует задавать эксперт (а доставляет ли мне эта вещь радость), с вопросом: а какие воспоминания доставляет мне эта вещь.... Наблюдая за собой и многими близкими людьми, замечаю, что вокруг полно вещей, которыми я уже не пользуюсь и они мне не доставляют в дне сегодняшнем ни радости, ни комфорта, ни какого-то бытового облегчения. А вот воспоминаний, связанных с этими вещами много... при переезде и просто при ген.уборке это очень мешает. Поэтому нужно брать себя в руки и расставаться с такими вещами, освобождать пространство и мысли!
  • A
    Guide to restaurants and cafes in Georgia
    Вот и в мою жизнь пришло это страшное, но приятное слово переезд. Не даром говорят, что переезд страшнее пожара, и это так. Помню, когда лет 20 назад, родители купили новую квартиру и мы в нее переехали, такое ощущение, что мы до сих пор не разобрали все коробки. Что-то лежит на всякий случай «а вдруг пригодится», что-то настолько компактно лежит в коробке, что не хочется доставать эти вещи из нее, что-то закинуто на антресоль и забыто на веки вечные. Вот и сейчас я с ужасом смотрю на все коробки и свертки, которые лежат в нашей старой квартире. Но прочитав статью, страх ушел, теперь я точно знаю, как правильнее поступить, как не захламить новое жилье и как найти вещи, которые распиханы по коробкам.
  • A
    Перед переездом рекомендую просмотреть все свои вещи избавить от того чем не пользуетесь, нет смысла перевозить это на новое место. Все коробки обязательно маркирую, для дальнейшего удобства, так будет гораздо легче а главное быстрее потом рассортировать по комнатам на новом месте.