5 rules that will help you save your life in an airplane crash or how to behave during an emergency.
Afraid of flying and want to know what to do when a plane crashes? Follow the main rules of conduct in case of a plane crash, which we wrote on madloba, and do not raise panic, as it is the safest means of travel! These days, technology is very advanced and personnel know what to do.
Many people today prefer the fastest way to travel - by plane. Statistically, air travel rarely ends in disaster. But it does happen. An airplane is, first and foremost, a piece of equipment that can break down at any time. Adverse weather conditions, turbulence, the failure of some of the systems and even the hijacking of the plane by terrorists can play a role here.
But there are ways in which passengers can increase the likelihood of saving their lives in a plane crash.
- The first and most important thing is the choice of seat in the cabin. As a rule, during a crash, the main impact is on the front of the plane. Accordingly, the safest seats are in the tail section.
- The second and most important thing a person should do is not to panic. Panic is the worst enemy of man on board an airplane. Your task is to be calm, breathe evenly and make sure that you are buckled up or not. Put something soft on your bent legs and never interlock your fingers.
- You should also prepare for your flight well in advance. Try to dress so that you had on as little as possible synthetic material. And it's better if there is no synthetic material at all. In case of fire, synthetic material flares up quickly and leaves severe burns on the human body.
- After boarding, listen carefully to all the safety briefings given by flight attendants. They do it for a reason, so do not neglect it for your own safety.
- If a crash does occur and you are already on the ground, immediately get as far away from the plane as possible. The products of combustion can be very dangerous to health, and in addition, the fall can cause an explosion, which is very dangerous to life.
Everyone knows that the plane is not the safest means of transportation. Although in our time, technology is so advanced that reduced the fall and breakdowns of the ship to a minimum. But, nevertheless, there are unforeseen situations that do not depend on man. And each of us must be prepared for such force majeure. So follow all safety regulations and be healthy.
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В фильмах-катастрофах такие ситуации ничем хорошим не заканчиваются. Хотя авиакатастрофы случаются гораздо реже, чем, например, ДТП. Слабое утешение для тех, кто боится летать, правда?
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ник.Я много летала и никогда не думала о том,что может произойти что-то страшное, а уж если случится крушение самолёта, то мне кажется, что
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док,а пассажирам приятного полёта и мягкой посадки!