How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine and prevent it: useful tips

Washing machine smells can be a problem, but there are solutions. Find out how to remove odor and prevent it from coming back. Tips for choosing a washing program, adding ingredients and regular maintenance will help keep things fresh after washing. Get rid of the smell in the washing machine with effective methods, ensure disinfection and keep your household appliance clean.


  1. How does this unpleasant stuffiness that haunts us inside washing machines form?
  2. How to get rid of bad odor in the washing machine?
  3. Another solution is preventive measures
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Why does my washing machine develop an unpleasant odor?
    2. How do I get rid of the odor in my washing machine?
    3. How often do I need to perform preventive cleaning of my washing machine?
    4. Can using laundry detergent affect the odor in the machine?
    5. Why does the odor come back after removal?

Contrary to newer washing machines, over time, an unpleasant odor develops. Failure to eliminate it will lead to an unpleasant aroma of things after washing. In this article, we will share tips on how to get rid of the odor in the washing machine and prevent its recurrence.

How does this unpleasant stuffiness that haunts us inside washing machines form?

The odor that emanates from the washing machine is caused by reasons related to the active growth of bacteria, fungi and mold in its space. Inside the washing machine, ideal conditions are provided for the development of these microorganisms, thanks to the damp and gloomy environment that encourages them to thrive. Often, a bad smell in the washing machine occurs when an economical washing program is used, which includes a short cycle and low temperature. The bacteria that inhabit the surface of the laundry are not destroyed by the low water temperature, and they begin to actively multiply right inside the machine.

Another reason for the appearance of unpleasant odor is related to the excessive amount of laundry detergent used. During washing, the water does not completely rinse off the powder, which leads to the formation of foam on the door seals and in the drain hose, creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

Another solution is preventive measures

To prevent the return of unpleasant odor from the washing machine, it is necessary to perform regular preventive cleaning and carefully monitor the overall condition of this household appliance.

  • One useful way to keep your machine clean is to perform a detergent-free service wash at least once a month. This will refresh the washing system and avoid the accumulation of residual dirt that can lead to unpleasant odors.
  • Additionally, you should consider purchasing a filter and installing it on the machine's water supply hose. This will prevent the formation of limescale in the system and help prolong the life of the washing machine parts. At the same time, it is also recommended to pay attention to the door rubbers and after each wash thoroughly wipe them. This will help to avoid moisture retention and mold growth, which can be a source of unpleasant odor.
  • The habit of leaving the machine door and detergent tray ajar between wash cycles is also an effective method of ensuring that the interior of the machine is dry and ventilated, which helps to eliminate odor.
  • In addition, it is recommended to regularly clean the drain filter from residual dirt, performing this procedure at least once a month. This is important to keep the drainage system functioning optimally and to prevent possible problems that may cause unpleasant odors.
  • If, after a service wash, cleaning of the filter, drum and powder tray, the unpleasant odor from the washing machine still persists, it is recommended to contact a qualified technician. The technician will be able to identify the source of the problem and offer appropriate solutions.

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🔹🔹🔹🔹 Frequently Asked Questions 🔹🔹🔹🔹

❓ Why does my washing machine have an unpleasant odor?

💡 The odor is caused by the active growth of bacteria, fungi and mold inside the washing machine. The humid environment and low temperatures during the washing process favor their development.

❓ How do I get rid of the odor in my washing machine?

💡 To eliminate the smell, it is recommended to choose a washing program with high temperature and long cycle. Adding a little lemon juice to a solution of vinegar and water will also help. Do not forget to clean the rubbers of the washing machine and carry out regular preventive cleaning.

❓How often should I give my washing machine a preventive cleaning?

💡 It is recommended to perform a preventive cleaning without detergents at least once a month. This will help to refresh the washing system and avoid the accumulation of residual dirt and odor.

❓Can using laundry detergent affect the odor in my machine?

💡 Poor quality or excessive use of laundry detergent can contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions and not overdo the amount of powder.

❓Why does the odor return after removal?

💡 If regular preventative cleaning is not performed and conditions for bacteria and fungi to breed are not prevented, the odor may return. Follow the odor removal recommendations and keep your machine clean.

How to get rid of bad odor in the washing machine?

We propose you to familiarize yourself with the service washing process, which may lead you to a state of incredible surprise and confusion. Keep in mind that for the best results, it is recommended to choose the longest washing program with high temperatures, creating a true bubbling atmosphere inside your washing machine. Keep in mind that detergent should be avoided during the service wash, which can act as a hidden turning point, wrapping your washing machine in mystery.

Oddly enough, there are also folk remedies that can add a new level of complexity and mystery during the washing process.

  • Citric acid, for example, is a substance that can turn your idea of laundry upside down. Try adding four mysterious tablespoons of citric acid to the powder compartment, and then let the mysterious power of old-fashioned knowledge kick-start your laundry. Breathe in the flavor of mystery!
  • What if we shared another amazing secret? It's no secret that baking soda and vinegar are the true proof of magic. Create a mixture of a quarter of a mystery cup of baking soda, supplemented with an equal amount of water, and douse your washing machine with this mystery mixture. Then, generously, pour two cups of table vinegar into your washing machine drum. Give the mystery a free pass! Activate the service wash program and watch as the combination of the mystery baking soda and the mystery vinegar not only gets rid of the foul odor, but also brings vanishing traces of the legacy of lime deposits on the internal parts of your machine.

Studies show that adding some ingredients can significantly improve the effectiveness of this treatment. Instead of simply dissolving a tablespoon of vinegar in half a liter of water, let's try adding some lemon juice to increase the antiseptic properties of the solution. Thus, the resulting composition will contain one tablespoon of vinegar, half a liter of water and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This new formula will not only help to eliminate unpleasant odors, but will also provide additional disinfection, which is especially important in the conditions of everyday use of the washing machine.

In addition, to maximize the effectiveness of cleaning rubbers, it is recommended to use a special soft brush or sponge to apply the solution to the surface of the rubbers. This will help penetrate the smallest creases and cracks where bacteria and dirt can accumulate. Try to gently clean each rubber band, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.

After you have performed the rubber band cleaning procedure, it is recommended that you rinse them thoroughly with clean water and allow them to air dry. This will help to remove any residual solution and ensure that the rubber bands are fresh. If you wish, you can also use aromatic essence by adding a few drops to the dry surface of the rubber bands before putting them in place.

In summary, having a regular cleaning and disinfecting routine for your washing machine rubbers will help keep them in good condition and prevent unpleasant odors. Take good care of your washing machine and it will respond with reliability and longevity.

The detergent tray is an essential part of our everyday home maintenance. It stands neatly in its place, but over time, it can develop a buildup of powder and other contaminants. You may have noticed an unpleasant odor coming from your tray. No need to panic! We have a simple solution.

Take the tray and carefully remove it. Then transfer it to the sink to rinse it thoroughly. Don't forget the hard to reach places! Use a toothbrush to clean in the nooks and crannies to ensure a complete clean. The powder and other residue will be removed and you'll feel fresh.

Let's understand the procedure for cleaning the drain filter. Information on how to open it is usually written on a sticker placed directly on the filter cover or indicated in the washing machine manual. Before you start unscrewing the filter, it is recommended to spread a cloth under it, as some water may accumulate in it and leak out. The process of cleaning the filter is simple and easy: you need to remove all the lint and hairs from the surface of the filter, and then rinse it with clean water. This will help to keep your washing machine in optimal condition and ensure that it runs efficiently.

Imagine the situation: water with dirt and soap drips down the drain hose, forming a clog that blocks the normal flow. This, in turn, can lead to an unpleasant odor inside your washing machine. But don't worry, there is a solution!

Take a little vacation from your daily routine and look at your washing machine from a new perspective. First, unscrew the hose from the machine and pipe. Oh, what an exciting moment! This step will allow you to access the heart of your machine and find the source of the bad odor.

Now, connect one end of the hose to the running water faucet and lower the other end into the tub. Imagine jets of water penetrating the hose and flushing out the clogs. Turn on a strong water pressure and enjoy the sight of dirt and soap being washed away like magic!

Your efforts will be rewarded with a clean and fresh feeling in your washing machine. Now you can enjoy the aroma of freshly washed laundry every time you start the wash.

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  • Q
    Загадочная сода и таинственный уксус, повеселили)) Да уж, после стирки хочется вдыхать исключительно аромат свежепостиранного белья. Я даже духи с таким запахом встречала) Статью открыла с целью увидеть именно профилактические меры, благодарю, что указали эти способы. Манера написания порадовала, с юмором)
  • Н
    Статья дает полезные советы по удалению неприятного запаха из стиральной машины и предотвращению его повторного появления. Рекомендации включают выбор правильной программы стирки, добавление определенных ингредиентов и регулярную профилактику. Эти методы помогут сохранить свежесть вещей после стирки и обеспечат дезинфекцию и чистоту бытового прибора.
  • Н
    Стиральная машинка сейчас почти в каждой семье. В интернете очень много советов по её эксплуатации. Но именно в этой статье я нашла много полезной и нужной для себя информации в одном месте. Наконец я смогла избавиться от неприятного запаха в моей стиральной машине и теперь она снова работает без каких-либо проблем.
  • B
    Ценная информация. Я всегда держу дверцу стиральной машинки открытой, а вот о лотке для порошка даже не думала. Теперь буду открывать и его.
    Для чистки машинки я использую специальные магазинные средства или лимонную кислоту. Но всегда готова к экспериментам. Поэтому хочу попробовать соду с уксусом - это весьма хвалёное универсальное сочетание, и выходит очень бюджетно.
  • S
    Я лично использую две рекомендации, это все протирать и открывать дверцу открытой и отдел для порошка, но этого не достаточно и раз в две недели всё ровно появляется неприятный запах, поэтому обязательно нужно ставить машину на полоскание с добавлением специальных средств и всё вроде бы хорошо. Но ещё , не знаю как у других стиральных машин, сливать воду нужно внизу стиралки есть одел со шлангом и оттуда сливать воду, так написано в инструкции, там вытекает вода с порошком.
  • A
    У меня есть золотое правило, после такого как заберу чистое белье, не большое количество времени держу стиралку открытой. Потом протираю все насухо и закрываю. Но раз в неделю протираю внутри все с домашним средством.
  • A
    После стирки, всегда протирую все внутри сухой микрофиброй, и оставляю дверь открытой для проветривания. В магазине обычно беру средство для очищения, устраняет запах, а также накипь. Использую где-то примерно каждые три месяца, пока все отлично.