Beautiful and picturesque lakes in Georgia. Lake Paliastomi. Maltakva Resort.
The bottom of Lake Paliastomi is covered with peat. Due to the fact that the water in the lake has changed dramatically to salty, all freshwater fish have died out here. Not far from this unusual lake, you can find the Maltakva climatic resort. The weather and climate here are mild and humid, which contributes to the prevention and cure of various diseases.
Approximately 10 million years ago, during the Cenozoic era, a tropical and subtropical landscape stretched across the entire continent of Eurasia in an uninterrupted strip.
The vegetation common in the Colchis lowland is the remnants of that landscape. In order to protect and protect the unique ecosystem, in 1999 it was created Colchis National Park, covering two historical regions of Georgia - parts Samegrelo and Houris.

The main object of the park is Lake Paliastomi, which is entrusted with the most important recreational function of the region. The maximum depth of the lake does not exceed 3 meters. The bottom is covered with peat and algae.
Until the 20s of the XX century, the lake, located three meters below sea level, was fresh. There were more than 40 species of fish here. In 1924, Paliastomi was joined to the Black Sea through a canal. As a result of a strong blizzard, the channel expanded, and the water in the lake became salty, which is why many species of fish disappeared here. Such rare species of ichthyofauna of Georgia as pike perch and black catfish still live in the lake. There are a lot of pike, bream, carp and chub. Fish can be caught here only by special permission of the park administration.
Paliastomi is a habitat for many species of birds. There are wild swans, gray geese, ducks of various species, cormorants, cranes, herons, sultanas, harriers and others. The emigration line of migratory birds passes through the territory of the lake, and therefore, with the onset of winter, the surrounding areas are filled with bird flocks, which creates unique conditions for birdwatching lovers. Special observation towers have been built here for them. The surroundings of the lake are a favorite place for bird hunters. Hunters and fishermen are advised to take marsh skis with them along with hunting and fishing equipment when leaving for Paliastomi.
In the southwestern part of the park, 4 kilometers from Poti, between the sea and the lake, on a small peninsula is the climatic resort of Maltakva, whose mild and humid climate, its magnetite-rich beach and low embankment contribute to the prevention of various diseases.
Location: the coastal strip of the Black Sea, the western part of the Colchis lowland.
Distance: from Zugdidi - 70 km, from Tbilisi - 320 km.
Height above sea level: 1-2 m.
Relief: plain, beach with such a slight slope that the depth of the sea at a distance of several tens of meters does not exceed 1-1.5 m.
Climate: humid, subtropical. Winter is mild, snowless. The average temperature in January is 5-7 ° C. Summer is very warm, moderately dry. The average temperature in August is 23.5°C.
Average annual precipitation: 1780-1850 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 78%.
Duration of sunshine per year: 2100-1850 hours.
Natural healing factors: mild coastal humid climate, sea and beach.
Types of treatment: thalassotherapy, sand baths.
Therapeutic indicators: functional disorders of the osteoarticular nervous and systems, diseases of the non-tuberculous nature of the respiratory organs, functional diseases of the cardiovascular system, secondary anemia.

If you're looking for the perfect place to heal, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, then the Georgian climatic resort of Maltakwa is the place for you. Located near Lake Paliastomi, this resort has become one of the most popular places to treat respiratory and nervous system diseases. One of the main attractions near the resort is Lake Paliastomi. The bottom of the lake is covered with peat, which contains unique minerals and microorganisms. The water in the lake has drastically changed to salty, so all the freshwater fish are extinct here.Lake Paliastomi has become a real refuge for many rare species of ichthyofauna of Georgia, including pike-perch and black catfish. Many other fish species such as pike, bream, carp and chub can also be found here. However, to fish here, you need a special permit from the park administration. However, this does not prevent people from enjoying the picturesque views of the lake and its surrounding nature.
Not far from the resort is the Colchis National Park, which was established in 1999 to protect the unique ecosystem of Colchis Depression. This park encompasses two historic regions of Georgia, parts of Samegrelo and Guria. The vegetation spread in the Colchis Depression is the remnants of a tropical and subtropical landscape that stretched across the continent of Eurasia about 10 million years ago, during the Cenozoic Era. At the resort you can not only enjoy the therapeutic treatments and scenic views, but also learn about the rich history and culture of the region.
The park has not only recreational but also scientific value. On its territory there is a meteorological station, which monitors the climate and weather in the region. It also conducts scientific research in the field of biology and nature conservation, in order to preserve the biodiversity and ecosystems of Lake Paliastomi and its surroundings. In addition, the park offers its visitors the opportunity to walk along various trails with beautiful views of the lake and the surrounding nature. There are also specially equipped picnic areas, barbecue areas and camping sites in the park. However, you should keep in mind that when visiting the park, you must follow the rules of conduct and leave behind cleanliness. You should also take into account that the lake is a protected area and has a special status of a protected area. Therefore, when you visit the park, it is necessary to observe the rules of conduct and not to violate the established rules.
Maltakwa is a coastal climate resort located southwest of Poti, on a small peninsula between the Black Sea and Lake Paliastomi. This resort is located in the western part of the Colchis Depression, at an altitude of 1 to 2 meters above sea level. The terrain here is flat, with a beach, which has a slight slope and a depth of the sea of a few dozens of meters, not more than 1-1.5 meters. The resort climate is humid, subtropical. Winter here is mild, snowless, with an average temperature of 5-7ºC in January. Summers are very warm, moderately dry with an average temperature of 23.5 ° C in August. The average annual precipitation in the area is 1780-1850 mm, and the average annual relative humidity is 78%. The duration of sunshine here per year is 2100-1850 hours. The resort offers natural healing factors such as sea, beach and mild coastal humid climate. It specializes in thalassotherapy and sand baths, which are effective treatments for functional disorders of the skeletal and joint, nervous and system, non-tuberculous respiratory diseases, functional diseases of the cardiovascular system and secondary anemia.
If you want to enjoy the mild and humid climate with a positive effect on your health, the climatic resort Maltakva on the Black Sea is the ideal place for you. Leave your comments below the article and ask questions - we are happy to answer all your queries!
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сохранилось на территорий Колхидского национального парка. Главным объектом которого
является озеро Палиастоми. Дно озеро покрыто торфом, это осадочная рыхлая горная порода,
который образуется в процессе гниения болотных растений.
Между Черным морем и озером Палиастоми на острове находится климатический курорт
Малтаква. Мягки климат и песок делает курорт очень привлекательным для отдыхающих.
В курорте есть талассотерапия наверное его делают из торфа и водорослей. Торф тут играет роль адсорбента. Магнитные пески для ванны, и воздушные ванны морским воздухом.
В статье очень хорошо описано флора и фауна озера и даже про бэрдвочинга рассказали.
Палиастоми, глубиной не более 3 метров,
дно покрыто торфом и водорослями. До 20-ых годов ХХ века озеро, находящееся на три метра ниже уровня моря, было пресным. Здесь водилось более 40 видов рыб. в 1924 году Палиастоми присоединили к Черному морю посредством канала, в результате сильного бурана канал расширился, и вода в озере стала солёной, из-за чего здесь исчезли многие виды рыб. В озере до сих пор обитают такие редкие Виды ихтиофауны Грузии, как судак и чёрный сом. Здесь много щуки, леща, сазана и голавля, но ловить рыбу можно только по специальному разрешению администрации парка.
Окрестности озера любимое место для охотников на пернатых. Охотникам и рыболовам при выезде на Палиастоми советуют брать с собой вместе с охотничьими и рыболовными снаряжением болотные лыжи
Климат влажный, субтропический, зима мягкая, бесснежная.
В юго-западной части парка, в 4 километров от Поти, между морем и озером, на небольшом полуострове находится климатический курорт Малтаква, мягкий и влажный климат которого, его богатый магнетитами пляж и низкая набережная способствуют профилактике различных заболеваний скелета, суставов, сердца, дыхательных органов.
ездили на рассвете в тумане делали фотографии. Озеро пресноводное и она никогда не замерзает. Для туристов предусмотрены прогулки на катерах, рыбалки. Рыбачить здесь можно и на лодке, и на катере и на берегу и даже на каяках. Очень интересно наблюдать за птицами, которых в этих краях очень много и разного вида.