The most picturesque places of Georgia. Beautiful resorts. Lasichala Resort.
There are a huge number of various resorts in Georgia, with their own mineral waters and attractions. But the most picturesque and beautiful resort can be called Lasichala. This resort is located on a mountain slope and is surrounded by deciduous and coniferous trees. This combination creates clean, fresh air.
Lechkhumi is a historical and geographical region of Western Georgia.
This region is located south of the Caucasian Ridge, in the area of the junction of the Lechkhumi, Egrisi, and Rachi ridges, and covers the territory of the municipality of Tsageri. The name "Lechkhumi" anciently came from the Mingrelian word "chhomi" ("fish").
The region, characterized by a large number of historical and natural attractions, is also of recreational importance. Medicinal mineral waters of Lashichala, Alpani, Akhalchala, Agvi-Tsageri, Ladegveria, Dzuguri, Usakhelo, etc. have been discovered and studied on its territory. They are used in the treatment of various diseases.
Located 20 km from Tsageri, the climatobalneological resort of Lashichala is located on the slope of the Lechkhum ridge and is surrounded by deciduous (beech and oak), as well as coniferous (pine, spruce and fir) forests. Comfortable cottages and sanatoriums with bathrooms and a recreation area have been functioning here for decades. In recent years, family hotels have also been added.
Lechkhumi is separated from Samegrelo by Mount Khvamli (10 km long and 7 km wide, height above sea level – 2002 m). This is a karst mountain range made of limestone. From the top of Mount Khvamli, you can see the Nakerala ridge, the surroundings of Racha and Tkibuli, and even the Likhi and Adjaro-Imereti mountains. The history of Khvamli is intertwined with mythology: the Colchian princess Medea prepared her medicinal potions here; according to legend, the hero of Georgian mythology Amirani was chained to a rock in the caves of Khvamli.
Archaeologists have discovered a Stone Age human encampment in one of the caves of Khvamli. There is a cliff on the southern wall of the mountain massif, where, according to scientists, there should be a historical Khvaml shelter - a pit. Georgian geographer Vakhushti Bagrationi confirms that Georgian tsars used Khvamli to store treasures during the war years. To search for these treasures in the twentieth century, several expeditions went to the array, but their work ended in vain.
On the forty-ninth day after Easter, on the religious feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, a folk festival "The Feast of Khvamli" is held on Mount Khvamli.
Location: the southern slope of the Lechkhum ridge (the system of the Main Caucasus), the valley of the Lajanuri River.
Distance: from Tsageri - 20 km, from Ambrolauri - 40 km, from Tbilisi (via Ambrolauri) - 340 km.
Altitude above sea level: 800-900 m.
Terrain: mountainous.
Climate: typical for low mountains. Winter is mild, with little snow. The average temperature in January is 2 °C. Summers are warm, moderately humid. The average temperature in August is 20°C.
Average annual precipitation: 1800-2000 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 75%.
Duration of sunshine per year: 1900-2000 hours.
Natural healing factors: the climate of low mountains and carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, magnesium-calcium mineral waters, with a total mineralization of 1-5 g/dm3;
Flow rate: 20,000 l/day.
Types of treatment: mineral water baths, internal consumption of mineral waters, passive climatotherapy.
Therapeutic indicators: chronic inflammation of the digestive organs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system.
Georgia is a country known for its resorts and rich historical heritage. One of the most beautiful and picturesque resorts in Georgia is Lashichala. It is located on a mountainside, surrounded by coniferous and deciduous trees, which creates clean fresh air.It is part of the historical and geographical region of western Georgia, called Lechkhumi. The region is located in the south of the Caucasus Range and covers the territory of Tsageri municipality. The resort is located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level and is famous for its mineral waters. The water here is rich in magnesium, calcium, silicon and other useful elements. Healing properties of this water are used for treatment of diseases of musculoskeletal system, cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and other diseases. In addition to medical procedures, at the resort you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and active recreation. There are many trails for hiking and mountain walking, as well as the opportunity to engage in horseback riding, fishing and hunting. One of its main attractions is its medieval castle, which was built in the 11th century. The castle sits on top of a mountain and offers a stunning view of the surrounding mountains and forests. The region is located in western Georgia and is called Samegrelo. It is rich in history, culture and natural beauty. For example, one of the main attractions is Okumeshe Canyon, which stretches for 14 km and offers magnificent views of waterfalls and green forests.
In Samegrelo wine has been produced for over 8000 years, so there are many wineries and vineyards in this region. In addition, you can try the local cuisine, which is known for its delicious dishes, including karcho soup and chicken with walnuts.
An interesting fact is that this place is home to many famous Georgian writers, poets and artists. For example, the famous poet Akuaki Tsereteli, author of many popular works in Georgian, was born here. In addition, the famous Georgian painter Levan Magalashvili, whose paintings have been exhibited in various museums around the world, was born in Samegrelo. Thus, this is a unique region, which offers its visitors many interesting places and opportunities for recreation and entertainment. It is famous for its natural beauty, cultural heritage and delicious cuisine, as well as for its healing mineral waters and many other attractions.
The resort is famous for its therapeutic climate, hydrotherapy and mineral waters. Treatment at the resort is especially effective for patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus and the peripheral nervous system. Despite its location in the mountains, the climate in the valley is mild and moderately humid, which makes it an ideal place for treating patients with respiratory problems. Winters in the valley do not have much snow, and the average temperature in January is 2°C. Summers are warm and moderately humid, and the average temperature in August is 20°C. The natural curative factors of the spa include hydro carbonate, magnesium-calcium and carbonic mineral waters with a total mineralization of 1-5 g/dm³. The yield of mineral waters at the resort reaches up to 20,000 liters per day. The treatment at the spa makes use of mineral water baths, as well as internal consumption of mineral water and passive climatotherapy. For decades there are comfortable cottages and sanatoriums with bath houses and recreation area. In recent years there have been added family hotels.
Enjoying the warm climate and taking treatments from natural springs, you can find relief and improvement of your condition. If you have any questions about the spa or the treatment, please leave your comments below the article and we will be happy to answer them!
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Кроме лечения, туристам здесь есть на что посмотреть - на территории курорта расположены древние достопримечательности природы и архитектуры.
Скучать вам здесь не придётся, потому что в таком месте сидеть без дела не получится. Пешие прогулки, охота и рыбалка - каждому активному путешественнику найдётся занятие по душе.
✅ Положительный момент статьи: В статье можно выделить несколько положительных моментов. Во-первых, она описывает курорт Лашичала, который находится на склоне горы и окружен лиственными и хвойными деревьями, что создает чистый, свежий воздух. Курорт славится своими минеральными водами и лечебным климатом, что делает его идеальным местом для лечения пациентов. Во-вторых, статья описывает регион Лечхуми, который находится на юге Кавказского хребта и охватывает территорию муниципалитета Цагери. Регион богат историей, культурой и природными красотами, а также предлагает лечебные минеральные воды и множество других достопримечательностей. В-третьих, статья описывает возможности для активного отдыха.
✅Отрицательный момент статьи: В данной статье не было указано о туристической инфраструктуре курорта Лашичала и Самегрело в целом. Например, не было упомянуто о наличии ресторанов, кафе, магазинов, аптек и других удобств для туристов. Также не было упомянуто о доступности курорта и возможности транспортировки до него, что может быть важно для туристов, планирующих поездку в этот регион.
Несмотря на положительные и отрицательные моменты статьи, я благодарю автора на каталоге Мадлоба за интересную и полезную статью!!
ды.М-м-м! Наверное закружится голова от кристально чистого воздуха тех мест. Здесь можно по желанию и по возможностям, Поселиться можно в благоустроенные коттеджи, санаторий и гостиницы.Лечебно-оздоровительный отдых для всей семьи, это очень полезно и удобно.Лечебные, Минераль-
ные воды, свежий воздух, различные оздоровительные процедуры.Это ли не мечта?А ещё вы услышите и увидите множество интересного об истории этих мест. Хорошего отдыха вам,с пользой!
Еще мне понравился интересный факт о народном празднестве «Праздник Хвамли».
Углекислые минеральные воды лечат
болезни ЖКТ, скелета, кожи и нервы.
Поговаривают, что колхидская царевна Медея здесь готовила свои лечебные снадобья.
А в одной из пещер Хвамли обнаружено обиталище человека из каменного века. Есть утёс, и по мнению учёных это укрытие, где цари хранили сокровища. Правда, экспедиции по их поиску пока не увенчались успехом.
Находящийся в 20-ти км. от цагери климатобальнеологический курорт Лашичала, расположен на склоне Лечхумского хребта и окружён лиственными (буковыми и дубовыми), а также хвойными (сосновыми, еловыми и пихтовыми) лесами.