Climatic resorts near the Black Sea in Georgia. Grigoleti resort.
The beaches of the Grigoleti resort are covered with magnetic sand. Not many beaches in Georgia are covered with this type of sand. It is especially useful here to take baths from warm sands, which help to improve metabolism, calm the nervous system. It is also very useful to breathe the sea air here.
The Black Sea climatic resort of Grigoleti is located in Guria, in the municipality of Lanchkhuti. The beaches of Grigoleti, as well as the beaches of Ureki and Shekveti li, are covered with magnetic sand consisting of small grains of magnetite, titanium-magnetite, ilmenite and fragments of other rocks.
Baths made of warm sand have a thermal and mechanical effect on the human body and thereby activate immune processes - improve metabolism, calm the nervous system, and also help in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and joint diseases.
The coastal sand heated from the sun was used for medicinal purposes in ancient times: it is known that in ancient times the Maya Indians were treated for various diseases by means of sand heated in the sun or on a fire. This method was also used by the ancient Romans.
Treatment with hot sand - psamotherapy - is still very popular all over the world today. Therefore, vacationers from all over the world come to the seaside resorts of Guria every year.
The sandy beach merges with the seabed. Coniferous forest stretches along a significant section of the entire coast, which creates a special microclimate, and thereby increases the resort significance of Grigoleti.
In recent years, the construction of resort infrastructure has been widely developed here, as in all coastal regions. Holiday homes and family hotels in Grigoleti create all conditions for a comfortable stay.
Location: eastern part of the Colchis lowland.
Distance: from Tbilisi - 315 km.
Height above sea level: 4 m.
Climate: marine, humid, subtropical. Winter is mild, snowless. The average temperature in January is 5.2 ° C. The summer is very warm. The average temperature in July is 23.2°C.
Average annual precipitation: 1700-1800 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 79%.
Duration of sunshine per year: 1780-2100 hours.
Natural healing factors: marine, subtropical climate, sea water, beach sand containing large amounts of magnetic iron particles.
Types of treatment: climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, psammotherapy. Baths made of magnetic sands.
Therapeutic indicators: tuberculosis, nervous diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatic and joint diseases), sand baths activate immune processes, improve metabolism.

Grigoleti is one of the most interesting and unique resorts in Georgia, which attracts tourists from all over the world with its unique beaches covered with magnetic sand. This kind of sand can not be found on every beach, so it is a real find for fans of unusual discoveries. Baths of warm magnetic sand are a godsend for people suffering from rheumatic and joint diseases. For example, even in ancient times, the ancient Romans and Maya Indians used the hot sand to treat various diseases. The modern method of treatment with hot sand, called psammoterapiya, is widely used today and enjoys great popularity. Such baths provide thermal and mechanical effect on the organism, stimulate immune processes, improve metabolism, and soothe the nervous system. The resort is therefore an ideal place for people who want to relax and improve their health at the same time. The resort is particularly recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, nervous diseases, rheumatic and joint diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The sea, subtropical climate and sea water improve the condition of patients and contribute to their recovery.
In addition to the crystal clear sea air and unique sand, the resort can also boast a unique climate, which has beneficial effects on the health and condition of the body. It is located on the Black Sea coast, in the municipality of Lanchkhuti, and has all the conditions to make your vacation here as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The beaches of the resort impress with their beauty. They merge with the seabed and along the coast stretches a pine forest, creating a special microclimate and giving the resort a special charm. In recent years here have been built many hotels, holiday homes and other resort infrastructure, which makes the rest even more comfortable. In addition, there are many restaurants and cafes in the area, where you can try local cuisine and taste fresh sea fish.
Grigoleti, located in the eastern part of the Colchis Depression, is a great place for rest and treatment. The distance from the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi - is 315 km. The resort is only 4 meters above sea level and has a maritime, humid subtropical climate. Winters are mild, snowless, the average temperature in January is 5,2 ° C. Summers are very warm, the average temperature in July is 23.2 ° C. The amount of annual precipitation averages 1700-1800 mm, and the average relative humidity is 79% per year. The duration of sunshine per year ranges from 1780-2100 hours.
In general, this, a unique place, which is unlike any other resort in the world. Here you can not only have a great vacation and enjoy the beautiful view of the sea, but also do something really good for your health. Therefore, if you are looking for the perfect place to relax, where you can have fun and have a good time, Grigolleti is exactly what you need! Leave your comments and questions below the article - we will be happy to answer them and share more information.
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Море было сказочным! В Григолетти оно очень-очень мелкое, поэтому очень хорошо прогревается. Дно песчаное, но песок твердый, ноги не проваливаются, ходить по нему очень приятно. Вода очень чистая. Возле берега на мелководье плещутся стайки маленьких рыбок, на глубине 1,5 метра- большие рыбы выпрыгивают из воды, мы их называли "бешеные селедки". Песок на пляже черный, магнетитовый, лечебный. Инфраструктуры на пляже, конечно, никакой, но мусорные баки стоят. Каждое утро хозяин нашей гостиницы убирал пляж. Поскольку гостиница рядом, то мы сами приносили лежаки, зонтики, все это в гостинице бесплатно.
Единственное там нет инфраструктуры, вернее она плохо развита.
» на сайте madloba.info. Что можно сказать о статье.✅ Достоинства статьи: 1. Статья предоставляет информацию о курорте Григолети в Грузии, его местоположении, климате и природных лечебных факторах. 2. Описываются преимущества пляжей Григолети, покрытых магнитным песком, и их положительное влияние на организм человека. 3. Упоминаются исторические исследования о лечебных свойствах горячего песка, которые проводились в древности и до сегодняшнего дня. 4. Отмечается популярность псаммотерапии (лечение горячим песком) во всем мире и привлечение отдыхающих со всего мира на приморские курорты Гурии. ✅ Недостатки статьи: 1. Недостаточно детально описаны конкретные методы и процедуры лечения с использованием магнитных песков. 2. Не предоставлена информация о доступности и стоимости лечебных процедур на курорте Григолети. 3. Отсутствует упоминание о других достопримечательностях и развлечениях на курорте, что может быть полезной информацией для потенциальных туристов.
Несмотря на положительные и отрицательные моменты статьи, я благодарю автора на каталоге Мадлоба за интересную и полезную статью!!
Ванны из тёплого песка оказывают тепловое и механическое воздействие на человеческий организм, активируя иммунные процессы - улучшают обмен веществ, успокаивают нервы, лечат ревматизм и заболевания суставов.
Накалённый от солнца песок использовали в лечебных целях издавна индейцы племени Майя, как и древние римляне, нагревая песок на солнце или на костре.