Large Georgian cities. Visit the city of Batumi. the resort of Batumi.
The city of Batumi is a big city, which is now important not only for the whole country. Batumi is one of the most important tourist centers. The city has a huge variety of architectural attractions. Recently, for a more comfortable stay of tourists, the beach has been increased here, parks have been laid out, new hotels have been built.
The capital of Adjara, Batumi, is located in a deep, well-protected bay - on the shore of the Gulf of Batumi, at the mouth of the rivers Bartskhani and Korolistskali. Batumi is an ancient city: as a result of archaeological finds, the remains of settlements dating back to the II-I centuries BC were discovered here
. And already in the I century AD, the Roman naturalist and philosopher Pliny the Elder in his work "History of Nature" calls the seaport of Batumi "Batis".
In all likelihood, in the ancient era, Batumi, as a seaport, performed an important transit function and had close trade relations with neighboring and distant countries. For centuries, the importance of Batumi as a seaport was so great that the Greeks, Romans, Ottomans and Russians constantly tried to take possession of it. At the beginning of the XX century, in 1919, the city occupied by the British was ruled by the British Governor-General.
In 1878-1886, Batumi was declared a port-franco (port-franco is the name of ports where imported goods can be imported and exported without customs duty). During the same period, the Batumi-Baku railway line was opened (1883) and an oil pipeline was built (1897-1907). All this contributed to the expansion of the city. At that time, industrial magnates were operating in Batumi: Swedes, brothers Alfred, Robert and Ludwig Nobel, as well as Baron Alphonse de Rothschild. It is the Nobel brothers who are credited with the opening of the railway and the terminal. The Nobel Museum is now located in the house where the brothers kept an office. And in the Rothschild house, for the construction of which the baron brought bricks from France (he also brought workers from there), there is currently a Batumi maternity hospital.
In recent years, a lot of work has been done to improve the appearance of the city. Beaches have been enlarged and improved, new buildings have been built, amusement parks have been laid out, and world-famous hotel brands have built their hotels here.
Location: Kakhaberskaya lowland.
Distance: from Tbilisi - 360 km.
Height above sea level: 5 m.
Terrain: flat-hilly.
Climate: marine, humid, subtropical. The average temperature in January is 6.5 °C. The average temperature in August is 22.6°C.
Average annual precipitation: 2718 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 81%.
Duration of sunshine per year: 1958 h.
Natural healing factors: humid subtropical sea air and sea water.
Types of treatment: air and sun baths, sea bathing, sea water baths, terrencourt, etc.
Therapeutic indicators: diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory (non-tuberculosis) systems, iron deficiency anemia, endocrine obesity, obesity caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

Batumi is a picturesque city with a rich history, and its attractiveness to tourists is steadily growing. In addition to the beautiful beaches and modern infrastructure, the city is famous for its unique architectural sights. One of the most famous attractions is the Batumi Fortress, which dates back to the 6th century. This historic fortress rises majestically above the city and offers breathtaking views of the bay. Inside the fortress you can walk through the ancient streets, explore the local history and enjoy the atmosphere of the old town.The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder already mentioned Batumi in his work "History of Nature" in the first century AD, noting its importance as a seaport. The city has witnessed many changing empires and cultural influences, which is reflected in its architecture and the richness of its cultural heritage. Another interesting attraction is the Botanical Gardens, which is considered one of the largest and most diverse botanical gardens in the world. Here you will find amazing collections of exotic plants from around the world and can enjoy a pleasant walk through the picturesque alleys of the garden.
It is also famous for its nightlife. The city offers a wide variety of nightclubs, restaurants, bars and casinos where you can enjoy entertainment until dawn. The city prides itself on its bright lights and festive atmosphere, especially during the popular Batumi International Festival. It is also an important economic and cultural center in the region. Many international exhibitions, conferences and cultural events are held here, attracting visitors from around the world.
Modern Batumi continues to fascinate its visitors not only with the richness of its history, but also with the impressive achievements in the development of infrastructure and the tourism industry. In recent years, the city has undertaken extensive work to improve its appearance and comfort for tourists. Particular attention was paid to the development of beaches, which have been enlarged and landscaped. Now visitors can enjoy the sun and the sea breeze on the spacious sandy beaches, which provide various entertainment and facilities for holidaymakers. Parks and squares have also become an integral part of the urban environment. Here you can stroll through green alleys, enjoy the blooming gardens and learn the positive energy that nature brings. These oases of tranquility and beauty offer the perfect place to relax and unwind in the heart of the city. The city also attracts attention with its new and modern hotels, which were built by global hotel brands. Here every tourist can find a suitable place to stay, whether it is a luxury hotel with panoramic views of the sea or a cozy boutique hotel in the historic center of the city.
Batumi is located on the Kahaber Plain, in the coastal zone of the Black Sea. This beautiful city is 360 kilometers from the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. With its elevation of just 5 meters above sea level and flat hilly terrain, it offers ideal conditions for enjoying the maritime climate. The city is located in a maritime, humid subtropical climate zone, which means mild winters and warm summers. In January, the average temperature is about 6.5 degrees Celsius, and in August it rises to a pleasant 22.6 degrees Celsius. Total annual precipitation reaches 2,718 mm, and the average relative humidity is about 81%. The area is also famous for its sunshine, which lasts about 1,958 hours a year. The unique climate and its coastal location create favorable conditions for treatment and recovery. Local natural healing factors such as sea humid subtropical air and sea water play an important role in the recovery of the body. Various types of treatment are available in the city, including air and sun baths, swimming in the sea, the use of seawater in therapeutic baths, terrainkur and other procedures. The main therapeutic indications include diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, iron deficiency anemia, endocrine obesity and obesity caused by sedentary lifestyle.
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Батуми - это крупный город на побережье Черного моря в Грузии, и он является курортным и экономическим центром региона Аджария. Вот некоторые ключевые характеристики этого города:
- Батуми славится своими пляжами на берегу Черного моря. Они привлекают как туристов, так и местных жителей в жаркие летние месяцы.
- Город известен своей разнообразной архитектурой, включая современные небоскребы и старинные здания. Здесь можно увидеть множество интересных архитектурных сооружений.
- Один из гордых атрибутов Батуми - это его ботанический сад, который известен своим разнообразием экзотических растений.
- В городе есть множество ресторанов, баров и ночных клубов, а также казино. Батуми предлагает разнообразные развлечения для туристов.
- В регионе Аджария были обнаружены археологические находки, связанные с древними цивилизациями, и некоторые из них можно увидеть в местных музеях.
Мне кажется, что каждый знает этот знаменитый город в Грузии! Сама очень хочу там побывать!