How to invest in Georgian real estate
Why buy real estate in Georgia in 2022? What makes Georgian real estate attractive to foreigners
About investing in real estate in Georgia⬇️
Over time, people all over the world have been thinking about how to generate income without working. An excellent option that almost all novice investors stop at is investing in real estate.
It is not profitable to buy real estate in any part of the world. We suggest considering Georgia as an option for generating passive income.
Here you can easily buy an apartment in a new building in Batumi or a house in Tbilisi at low prices and excellent living conditions. In addition, the country's laws allow foreign citizens to invest in Georgian real estate easily.
Why is investing in Georgia profitable?
Let's start with the fact that Georgia is an amazing country that is gaining popularity not only among tourists but also among investors. An analysis of economic development over the past five years has shown that the growth rates are stunning. The prospects of turning Georgia into a tourism center of the Caucasus are completely justified. And therefore, real estate investments in Georgia will pay off in the near future.
Advantages of buying real estate in Georgia
- Affordable prices. Even in resorts on the seaside, prices do not go above $2000 per square meter, while in Tbilisi or ski resorts, average prices are around $1200 per square meter. At the same time, minimum prices start from $400 for rough finishing in new buildings on the outskirts. However, it should be understood that in Georgia, the construction of new neighborhoods is happening at a rapid pace, and very soon, the outskirts will turn into full-fledged parts of the cities. And considering that, for example, Batumi is a small city, you can walk from its outskirts to the seaside in 15 minutes. In Sochi or Turkey, it is impossible to find real estate for $400 within a 15-minute walk from the sea.
- Tourism in Georgia is also developing very actively. If in 2015, the country was visited by 6 million people, in 2019, it was already 9.5 million. After the reopening of the borders closed due to the pandemic, the flow of tourists will resume instantly. Therefore, the demand for renting real estate in Batumi or Tbilisi is colossal.
- No property taxes, including for non-residents. Expenses for utilities can also be reduced by installing a reasonable heating and conditioning system.
- Georgia is among the top five countries offering the simplest documentation process for transferring real estate ownership. You will only need a passport, a contract, and payment of state duty. The procedure takes a maximum of 4 days. There are no restrictions for foreigners.
- Foreign citizens in Georgia can use purchased real estate for commercial purposes without any restrictions or additional conditions.
We have described Georgia based on five parameters that should be considered when choosing a location to buy an apartment or a house. And in each of them, the ancient Caucasian country unequivocally outperforms other European countries.
Opportunities that arise after buying property in Georgia
Considering all the positive aspects that make Georgia a top choice for real estate investment, one should not forget about the additional opportunities that arise when buying property in this country.
You get the opportunity not only to buy an apartment in Batumi or Tbilisi and rent it out later through ads on Georgian websites. You also get the advantages of the hotel business.
In Georgia, there is the possibility of buying property as part of a hotel complex. This means that the management company will take care of finding and servicing tourists, while you will only receive rent. One of such investment projects is the Blue Sky Tower complex in Batumi. A unique project that will pay off in just a few years!
Also, when buying property worth more than $100,000, you have a chance to apply for a residence permit in Georgia. And this is a Schengen visa and Georgian citizenship after a certain period.
Buying property in Georgia means opening up new perspectives for yourself.

Why is Georgia promising for investments?
A country that has both the sea and mountains and an amazing history will always attract crowds of tourists. The developing infrastructure attracts more and more "expensive" clients and foreigners from all corners of the country.
Georgia is a country where absolutely everyone will experience incredible emotions from breathtaking landscapes, unique millennia-old buildings, friendly citizens of the country, and an unforgettable atmosphere.
Emotions are what every tourist is looking for nowadays. No one is surprised by modern technology and skyscrapers, but it is difficult to come across a fortress built 1500 years ago and preserved in its original form. Ruins and dilapidated buildings can be found in many countries, but active monasteries carved into the mountains can be found in Georgia.
Come to Georgia to get unforgettable impressions, try investing in Georgian real estate in your favorite city, and start earning on what brings you joy!

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Приобретая недвижимость в Грузии, можно получать пассивный доход от аренды жилья или коммерческих помещений.Невозможно не согласиться с автором статьи по каждому пункту. Хотя цены здесь и не на уровне Сочи или Турции, но спрос формирует предложение, поэтому активный рост цен, вероятно, впереди. Поэтому всем, кто размышляет о покупке, я бы посоветовала поспешить, чтобы избежать дополнительных расходов. Простота процесса оформления собственности на недвижимость, описанная в статье, в сочетании с ценами и достопримечательностями Грузии, побуждает к разумному вопросу - почему мы еще здесь не присутствуем? Звучит заманчиво.
К первому и, на мой взгляд, важному плюсу можно отнести доступную цену недвижимости в Грузии. В сравнении с другими европейскими странами, стоимость жилья в Грузии не так высока, что делает это направление инвестиций более привлекательным.
Еще одним важным моментом, который я выяснила из статьи, является высокая доходность от аренды гостиничных номеров и квартир в Грузии. Это может стать дополнительным источником дохода, который, при правильном подходе, может быстро окупить инвестиции в недвижимость в Грузии.
Также, как указывается в статье, Грузия активно развивается, и это способствует развитию недвижимости в стране. Поэтому приобретение недвижимости в Грузии сегодня может стать вкладом в будущее.
Однако, я также считаю, что перед приобретением недвижимости в Грузии, необходимо тщательно исследовать рынок, изучить все правовые и юридические моменты, чтобы избежать проблем в будущем.
В целом, я полностью согласна с автором статьи, что инвестирование в недвижимость в Грузии может быть выгодным и перспективным шагом в развитии финансовых возможностей. Однако, решение о покупке недвижимости должно быть обдуманным, и основываться на фактах и анализе, а не на эмоциях и перепродаваемых идеях.