The most picturesque natural places of Georgia. Visit the resort of Lebarde.
Lebarde is the most popular climatobalneological resort, with a large amount of iron–containing mineral waters. These waters help in the treatment of the respiratory tract and digestive system. In addition to medical resorts, in Lebard you can see a variety of natural expanses.
Lebarde -climatobalneological resort. It is located in the center of Western Georgia, in the municipality of Martvili. The medicinal properties of iron-containing mineral waters, the sources of which are located in a century-old pine forest, help in the treatment of respiratory and digestive system disorders. Here several sources of mineral water of the Narzan type pour out onto the surface of the earth. These waters, as well as other mineral waters, were discovered by shepherds.

In the 40s of the XX century, despite the fact that the road leading to the resort ran through the steep valley of the Kehura River and therefore was dangerous, several thousand vacationers came here. Initially, the holidaymakers who came here in order to heal and strengthen their health, lived in small shelters - in tents and huts.
In 1948-1950, after the construction of the highway, medical institutions and rest homes were built here. In the 80s of the twentieth century, Mineral water began to be bottled. However, after the events of the 90s, the resort infrastructure here was destroyed.
4 kilometers from the resort, the Lebarde River merges with the Tehuri River. Tehuri originates at an altitude of 2400 m on the southern slope of the Egrisi ridge, at the top of Tehurishdudi. The Bere rivers are distinguished by an abundance of beautiful canyons and ditches, which is the best condition for fans of extreme rowing.
The ichthyofauna of Tehuri should also be noted. Many commercial fish live here: podust, barbel, chub, myron-barbel. Trout are also found here, but trout fishing is prohibited under Georgian law.
Location: a spur of the southern slope of the Samegrelo ridge, the valley of the Lebarde River (a tributary of the Tehura River).
Distance: from Tbilisi (via Chorotska) - 340 km.
Altitude above sea level: 1600 m.
Climate: typical for the middle mountains of the upper belt. Winter is cold. The average temperature in January is -4°C With a steady snow cover from November to May. Summer is moderately warm and dry. The average temperature in August is 15.4 °C.
The amount of annual precipitation: 2000-2050 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 75%
Duration of sunshine per year: 2150-2000 hours.
Natural healing factors: the climate of the middle mountains of the upper belt, calcium-sodium (or sodium-calcium - narzan type) and iron-containing mineral waters with a total mineralization of 0.4-0.6 g/dm3
Water flow rate: 40 thousand liters/day.
Types of treatment: internal consumption of mineral waters, passive climatotherapy.
Therapeutic indicators: diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, respiratory tract and secondary anemia.

Today Lebarde is one of the most popular resorts in Georgia, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. On the territory of the resort there are numerous resorts and hotels that offer various medical and recreational services. The resort's ferrous mineral waters are known for their therapeutic properties for respiratory and digestive system disorders. These waters contain many minerals, which help strengthen health and boost immunity. In addition, the resort is rich in beautiful natural landscapes, which can be seen when traveling around the area. Rivers, lakes, forests and mountains all create an unforgettable atmosphere that helps you relax and enjoy nature. In the vicinity of the resort there are beautiful canyons and pits of the Tehuri River, which attracts fans of extreme paddling. The Tehuri River, which flows a few kilometers from the resort, starts at an altitude of 2400 m on the southern slope of the Egris Mountain Range at Tehurishdudi peak. Here you can see many commercial fish such as sub-perch, barbel, chub and myron barbel. Unfortunately, trout fishing in the river is prohibited by Georgian law.
In 1948-1950 a highway was built connecting the resort with other cities, after which there appeared medical facilities and rest homes. In 80s of the XX century mineral water was bottled. However, in the 90s, the resort infrastructure was destroyed. Despite this, the resort continues to attract tourists from all over the world, who come here to enjoy the therapeutic properties of mineral waters and beautiful nature.
Mineral waters are one of the main therapeutic factors. Calcium-sodium and iron mineral waters with a total mineralization of 0.4-0.6 g/dm³ have a diuretic, choleretic and restorative effect. The climate of the resort is typical for the middle mountains of the upper belt. Winter is cold here, the average temperature in January is about -4°C, and the snow cover stays from November to May. Summer is moderately warm and dry, the average temperature in August is about 15.4 º C. The amount of annual precipitation in the area ranges from 2000 to 2050 mm, and the average relative humidity per year is 75%. The duration of sunshine per year in the area ranges from 2,150 to 2,000 hours.
Lebarde was originally a popular resort, but after the destruction of resort infrastructure in the 1990s, it lost its appeal to tourists. However, the area remains attractive to fans of extreme paddling, thanks to the abundance of beautiful canyons and pits on the Tejuri River. It is located on the spurs of the southern slope of the Samegrelo range, in the valley of the Lebarde River (a tributary of the Teghuri River). The distance from Tbilisi (through Chkhorotsk) is about 340 km, and the altitude is about 1600 m.
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Курорт славится своим климатом и уникальными минеральными источниками. Я попробовала местную воду, и она действительно оставила приятные ощущения — лёгкая и освежающая. А ещё в Лебарде можно встретить множество местных жителей, которые с удовольствием расскажут о секретах региона.
Вы когда-нибудь бывали на таких курортах? Как думаете, что важнее для отдыха — природа или инфраструктура? 😊
Климат характерный для средних гор, зима холодная, а лето умеренно тёплое и сухое.
Исцеляются болезни ЖКТ, кишечника, печени, желчного пузыря, дыхательных путей и вторичной анемии.
Здесь также водится форель, но ловля форелей по законодательству Грузии запрещена. Обожаю шашлык из форели, приготовленный на костре, на берегу водоема.
В 1940-ых годах, сюда приезжало несколько тысяч отдыхающих. Первые приезжающие жили в небольших палатках и шалашах.
В 1948-1950 годах после проведения автомобильной дороги построили лечебные учреждения и дома отдыха. А 1980-ых годах минеральную воду начали разливать в бутылках, однако после событий 90-ых годов курортная инфраструктура здесь была разрушена. Техури берёт своё начало на высоте 2400 м, реки отличаются обилием красивейших каньонов и котлованов, что привлекало всегда любителей экстремальной гребли.