Attractions in Poti, Georgia - Golden Lake, according to European standards.
The Golden Lake in Poti, one of the most beautiful places in Georgia, is an artificially created body of water. It has hosted water-skiing competitions and, in 1991, the European Rowing Championship. The lake is inhabited. Moreover, it is divided by a net - the perch is separated from all
We suggest you visit the unusual Golden Lake.
The Golden Lake of Georgia is a landmark in the city of Poti. The municipality of Poti is in the city of Samegrelo, the Malatkva River flows there as well, and the lake itself is represented as a rowing channel. In the ancient city of Poti, travelers stop to see the most beautiful places of Georgia.
The length of the lake is 1 - 1.2 km, and the width is about 150 m. The average depth of the Golden Lake is 4 to 6 m. The bottom of the lake is flat and sandy. In the lake there are many species of fish, for example: sturgeon, carp, crucian carp, amur, mullet, marshmallow. Inside the lake there is a special grid: one part of the lake is inhabited by perch, and the other part is designed for other fish species.
The sights of Georgia are famous for the fact that during their creation the appearance of nature was not violated. The Golden Lake was created by human hands for the Olympic Games. The lake meets all Olympic standards and water skiing classes and competitions are regularly held there. An interesting fact is that in 1991 the European rowing championship was held on the lake.
Not far from Golden Lake there are comfortable hotels, cafes and restaurants, where guests of the city stay.

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