Sights of Georgia in Tskaltubo - Prometheus caves, Bgheri, Melouri - mysterious and the most beautiful places of Georgia.
There are several objects in Tskaltubo that not all tourists pay attention to. These are the famous caves of Georgia, among which the most notable is the Prometheus Cave. Not far from it, three kilometers away, you can find the Melouri cave...
Mysterious caves of Georgia⬇️
In the mountains of Georgia, you can find caves with an amazing ecosystem, underground rivers and ancient legends. Every year these mysterious places attract many tourists. Some complexes have preserved traces of dinosaurs, and to see it in life with your own eyes is worth a lot!
While traveling in Georgia, you need to visit the most mysterious caves.
In the mountains of Georgia, you can find caves with an amazing ecosystem, underground lakes and rivers. Every year these mysterious places attract many tourists. Most of the caves have preserved dinosaur footprints, it's worth a lot to see it in real life with your own eyes! While traveling in Georgia, you need to visit the most mysterious: Prometheus Cave, Kumistavi, Sataplia Reserve, Melouri, Bgheri.
The Legend of Prometheus in Georgian Kumistavi
Prometheus Cave is located in the west of Georgia, 20 km from Kutaisi, near the city of Tskaltubo. She is the most famous and the biggest in the country.
Only a small part of it is open to the public, and it will take about an hour to walk around the area. The cave itself is quite humid due to rivers and lakes passing underground. It is also inhabited by a large number of bats.
Kumistavi is a complex where each hall has a separate entrance. The total length of the complex is approximately 22 km. Available for visiting 1420 m. The vaults acquire a mysterious appearance due to the lighting with multicolored lamps.
To attract tourists, it was given a modern name. After all, the tale of how Prometheus gave fire to people is known to almost everyone. And the Georgians can hear their own legend about Amirani, who also gave fire as a gift, and the gods punished him for it. As the myth says, Amirani was chained in Kumistavi.
A trip through stalactites, by boat on underground rivers and a walk through the grottoes will provide an opportunity to get a unique experience.
The cost of the walk is 7 GEL/2€. It costs the same amount to travel by boat.
It is possible to get here by public transport from Kutaisi to Tskaltubo (1 GEL). Transport departs from the Tskaltubo bus station for 1.5 GEL.

Dinosaur tracks in Sataplia
Not far from the Prometheus Cave, 6 km from Kutaisi, there is a Sataplia Nature reserve. This reserve is like a huge park, which will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children.
Your hike usually begins with the examination of dinosaur tracks. About 200 prints of rare dinosaurs were found around the perimeter. Not so long ago, traces in limestone rocks began to be found indoors, so they began to be guarded. Many years ago, animals left imprints on soft clay, which has fossilized and has survived to this day.
The path to the entrance passes through the forest, where you can see the statues of dinosaurs. The stalactites inside are illuminated with multicolored lights. The main part of the tour is a large heart–shaped stalagmite in the central hall.
Don't forget to visit the glass observation deck under the cliff. At such a height, walking on a transparent bridge is quite an extreme activity.
The entrance fee to the park is 6 GEL/ 1,7€. Throughout the journey, you will be accompanied by a guide who will tell you about the park, dinosaurs and other amazing legends.
You can get to this amazing place from Kutaisi by bus for 2 lari. Taxi fare will come out about 15 GEL.

Melouri Cave
She hid 3 kilometers from the Prometheus Cave. It is located at the bottom of a sinkhole, and stretches 2 km at a depth of 10 m. Dry halls are met at the entrance, then the path leads to underground rivers and lakes. It is quite difficult to pass here, and it requires some preparation.
Not so long ago, a new hall with a length of 300 meters was discovered here. Sand and tree branches add difficulties to archaeologists. Therefore, the research is carried out slowly and very carefully, so as not to damage the stalactites and stalagmites inside them.
Due to the inaccessibility, excursions are conducted with a guide and the necessary equipment. The cost of the speleotour starts from 320 GEL/90€.
You can get there by taxi from the village of Kumistavi for 10 GEL/2.83€.
Bgheri Cave
Bgheri is located in the Tskaltuba zone and is famous among rock climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts. Special training is required for passing, and it is recommended to descend with an escort. This is due to its high complexity.
The entrance is located at an altitude of 450 m above sea level. You need to go down a 20-meter waterfall to the halls with stalactites. There is also an underground lake and a river in the cave.
The route for passing is difficult, therefore, as in Melouri, it is possible only as part of a speleotour. The cost of the expedition is 320 lari / 90€.
It is located near Melouri, so you can also get there by taxi for the same 10 GEL.
The Madloba catalog wishes you exciting adventures while exploring the mysterious and legendary cave complexes of Georgia in Tskaltubo. Share your impressions of excursions and speleotours with our readers in the comments!
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«Достопримечательности Грузии в Цхалтубо - пещеры Прометея, Бгхери, Мелоури - загадочные и самые красивые места Грузии.»
Что можно сказать о статье.
✅ Положительный момент статьи: В целом, статья описывает несколько интересных и красивых пещерных комплексов в Цхалтубо, Грузия. Один из положительных моментов, который можно выделить, это то, что каждый комплекс имеет свою уникальность и привлекательность для туристов. Кроме того, статья дает информацию о стоимости посещения и способах добраться до каждого комплекса, что может быть полезно для путешественников. Также, стоит отметить, что статья подчеркивает важность соблюдения мер безопасности при посещении пещер, что является ответственным подходом к туризму.
✅ Отрицательный момент статьи: Из отрицательных моментов в статье можно выделить, что прохождение пещер Мелоури и Бгхери требует специальной подготовки и снаряжения, а также проводится только с гидом и сопровождением, что может быть неудобно для туристов, желающих самостоятельно исследовать эти места. Также стоимость экскурсий в пещеры может быть высокой для некоторых туристов.
Несмотря на положительные и отрицательные моменты статьи, я благодарю автора на каталоге Мадлоба за интересную и полезную статью!!
лась там.Меня заворожило описание автора о красоте этих сказочных пещер.Интересно было прочесть легенды об этих удивительных пеще-
рах.Захотелось своими глазами увидеть сталактиты, следы динозавров, подземные реки, прокатиться на лодке.Всё это очень заманчиво.Не
удивительно, что здесь большое количество туристов,ведь посмотреть эти диковинные места хотят многие.Мне понравилось как автор опи-
сывал пещеры.Если будет возможность,обязательно посмотрю эти чудные природные достопримечательности.