High Georgian pillars. Natural attractions. The pillars of Gombori.
The pillars of Gombori are high natural formations that have a height of fifty meters. Not far from it there are several artificially carved caves. You can see this rock from afar, but it's better to get closer to it. We definitely recommend visiting this place.
Not far from the highway of the Gombor pass in the Sagareggio municipality, northeast of the village of Verona, in the basin of the Gomboruli River, there is a natural formation of an interesting shape with a height of 50 m. This is a denudation witness rock (1,480 m above sea level), to the southeast of which there are several artificially carved caves on a rocky and rocky slope. According to legend, during the hard times of the war, the inhabitants of the surrounding villages took refuge in these caves. The northern side of the cliff is covered with forest. You can get to the top through this forest.
The outlier rock is clearly visible from the Gombor highway. It looks especially beautiful in autumn: against the background of nature, painted with multicolored colors, the rock looks especially impressive.
The Gombor Pass stretches from north to south-east. The length of the pass is 107 km . The highest peak is Tsivi (1991 m). The pass is a watershed of the Alazani and Iori rivers. On the northern slope of the pass are the valleys of the rivers Orvili, Khodashnishevi, Turdo, Kisishevi, Vantishevi, Cheremishevi, Paprishevi. And on the southern slope – the valleys of Gombori, Lapiankhevi, etc. The Gombor ridge is characterized by landslides, badlands, artificial caves. Secondary subalpine meadows are spread out on the crest of the ridge, deciduous forest and forest on the slopes.
For the purpose of protection and scientific research of relic coniferous trees of Sosnovsky in 1935, the Maryamjvari State Reserve was founded on the southern slopes of the Gombori ridge. Its area is 1033 hectares. The reserve covers the Koruga Nature Reserve (268 ha). Cultural, car-adventure and walking tours are popular in the surrounding areas.
On the ridge, at an altitude of 1620 m, passes the Gombor pass, which connects the inner Kakheti with the outer.

Sagareggio municipality, near the village of Verona, at an altitude of 1480 m above sea level.

N41 51'22"; E45 14'48".

How to get there:
1.5 km north of the village of Verona near the Tbilisi highway (via Sagareggio) – 60 km, from Sagareggio – 62 km, from Telavi – 35 km.

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Вид на горы, покрытые зеленью, и изящные скалы, создают неповторимую атмосферу. Я могу только представить, насколько впечатляюще это место выглядит в реальности! Интересна история Столпов Гомори, их значение для местных жителей. Это так важно сохранять и ценить такие природные чудеса!
объяснимых мест.Читая об этой местности мне стало интересно.А предположительно,когда такие природные образования появились,можно
ли узнать это?Кажется каким-то мистическим местом.Нужно обязательно найти информацию,чтобы узнать побольше об этих столпах.У мест-
нах жителей наверняка есть какие-нибудь легенды.
Свидетель чего? Я думаю, она многое "помнит" и хранит секреты давно минувших лет.