Wellness places in Georgia. Georgian Aswan clay. Heal yourself with volcanic ash.
Do you take care of your health? Ascanian clay in Georgia, consisting of volcanic ash and sea water, will cure many of your ailments! Where is the place of healing clay, what is it useful for, when it occurred and how many reserves are left - read about everything in our article. Explore Georgia from the other side!
From the south side of the village Ascona Gulipa River flows, separating it from the village of Mtispiri. On this river there is a 15-meter waterfall forming an 8-meter lake. This place is called Ochochha by the villagers.
Askana is a historical village. It is located in Guria, in the Ozurgeti municipality. There are many versions about the origin of the toponym "Askana". According to one of them, the toponym is associated with an ancient fortress located in these places, which has been restored many times, that is, it has changed its appearance ("Asi Kani" - in English. means one hundred skins). The second version is connected with the legend, according to which during the epidemic spread in these places, only the inhabitants of this village survived, for which they were nicknamed "askaneli" - "having a hundred skins".
In 1932, a clay deposit was discovered on the border of Askan and Mtispiri. In Georgia, clay is mined in many places, but this deposit is a special case. Clay appeared as a result of the deposition of volcanic ash in seawater 60 million years ago. It has unusual properties and is used in the pharmaceutical and textile industries, perfumes, agriculture, etc.
On the border of the villages of Askana and Mtispiri, on the top of a high and inaccessible mountain, there is an architectural monument of the IV century - the Askana Fortress. It is known that the Arab commander Marwan ibn Muhammad (Marwan the Deaf), who ravaged the whole of Georgia in 753-738, surrounded the Askan fortress. However, he failed to seize the fortress. When the enraged commander lifted the siege and turned back with nothing. Georgian soldiers, who were in the fortress, set off in pursuit of him. In the battle, Murvan the Deaf lost his helmet. This helmet was kept in the fortress church until the XVII century.
In the rocky ground, at the base of the sloping slope, at the outer threshold of the fortress there is a lake with a large well, from where a secret underground passage begins, connecting the fortress with the valley of Bakhvistskali.
You can buy food grade clay here
You can buy cosmetic clay here
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В скалистом грунте, в основании покатого склона, находится озеро с большим колодцем, откуда начинается тайный подземный ход, соединяющий крепость с долиной Бахвисцкали.
Говорят во время эпидемии, распространённой в этих местах, выжили жители только этой деревни, за что их прозвали «асканели» - «имеющие сто шкур».
На реке Гулепа 15 метровый водопад, образующий 8 метровое озеро. Место называно Очочха.
1932 г. обнаружили глину, появившуюся в результате отложения вулканического пепла в морской воде 60 млн. лет назад. Её необычные свойствами используются в фармацевтике и текстильной промышленности, в парфюмерии, в сель.хозяйстве.