Club, museum or cinema in the TOP of Yandex.Maps: how to attract more guests?

Want your club, cinema or museum to be the first in Yandex.Maps results? Tourists and expats look for entertainment there! We will analyze how to correctly design a card, collect reviews and promote the establishment so as not to lose customers.

Why is Yandex.Maps a must-have tool for cultural venues in Georgia?

I always tell club, museum and cinema owners: your audience is already looking for you, they just can't find you.

Georgia has a huge number of Russian-speaking tourists and expats. They are used to using Yandex.Maps, because in Russia Yandex has long been the main search tool. When they come here, they automatically open the app and type in “where to go in the evening”, “cinema nearby” or “best museums in Tbilisi”.

Facts that cannot be ignored:

✔ 70% of Russian-speaking tourists search for entertainment in Yandex.Maps.

✔ 82% of users make decisions based on ratings and reviews.

✔ 60% of customers choose places from the TOP-3 search.

If your card is not in Yandex or is poorly designed, your business is simply losing guests.

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📌 Don't know how to register in Yandex.Business or improve your positions?

Yandex.Maps is not just geolocation, but a powerful tool for attracting customers. But without a well-designed card, your club, cinema or museum risks remaining in the shadow of competitors.

We will help you:

✔ Create and correctly fill out a card so that it is found first.

✔ Add posters, photos, contacts and reviews to increase trust.

✔ Set up promotion to increase the flow of visitors.

How to promote a cultural institution in Yandex.Business? My experience

Over the years, I have learned what exactly helps clubs, theaters, cinemas, and museums to rank at the top of search results. It doesn't require a lot of investment, but it does require a systematic approach.

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Fill out the card completely

When a client chooses a place to relax, he wants to see as much information as possible:

✔ A clear description of the establishment's format.

✔ Address and convenient ways to get there (car, taxi, on foot).

✔ Opening hours.

✔ Photos of the interior, stage, hall, bar.

The more information in the card, the higher the likelihood that the guest will choose you.

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Update posters and photos regularly

It is very important for cinemas, museums and clubs to show current events.

✔ Place posters of upcoming events.

✔ Add photos from past evenings or concerts.

✔ Place announcements and special offers (for example, "2 tickets for the price of one on Wednesday").

The more active your card is, the higher it will rise in the Yandex rating.

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Work with reviews

Reviews are a key factor of trust. People do not go to a place if it has few reviews or a low rating.

✔ Ask visitors to share their impressions.

✔ Respond to reviews, especially negative ones - it is important to show that you value your customers.

✔ Do not be afraid of reviews with stars without text - they also affect the rating.


A club with 150 reviews and a rating of 4.8 will receive 70% more visitors than a club with 10 reviews and a rating of 4.2.

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Add convenient ways to contact us

Many customers want to ask questions before their visit. Give them this opportunity:

✔ Indicate your phone number, WhatsApp, and Telegram.

✔ Add links to your website and social networks.

✔ Provide directions and instructions on where it is most convenient to park.


Use Yandex.Direct for promotion

If you want to get to the TOP right away, you can launch advertising through Yandex.Direct.

✔ Объявления будут показываться поверх органической выдачи.

✔ Это особенно актуально для мероприятий с ограниченным количеством билетов.

✔ Можно настроить геотаргетинг, чтобы рекламу видели именно те, кто находится рядом.

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Check analytics

Yandex.Business allows you to track:

📊 How many people viewed the card.

📊 How many users created a route.

📊 How often people call and click on links.

This data helps you understand which promotion methods work best.

📢 Do you want your establishment to be more visible on Yandex.Maps?
👉 Leave a request for a free audit and receive personal recommendations for improving your card!

Yandex.Maps is a tool that works for you

Today, visitors do not choose blindly, but based on ratings, reviews and relevance of information. If your card is filled out in detail, contains posters and is regularly updated, the chances of attracting new guests increase several times.

Check your page on Yandex.Maps: do you have enough reviews, fresh photos and complete information? Make sure that your club, museum or cinema is always the first choice for tourists and locals.

Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions

1. Why is it so important to add a club, cinema or museum to Yandex.Maps?

Russian-speaking tourists and expats are used to searching for entertainment in Yandex, not Google. If your establishment is not there or is poorly decorated, the client simply will not find you and will choose a competitor.

2. How to design a business card to attract more visitors?

Add high-quality photos of the hall, stage, upcoming events, opening hours and contact information. Be sure to update information about events so that the card always remains relevant.

3. How to collect feedback and why is it important?

Reviews directly affect the rating in Yandex.Maps. The more reviews and the higher the average score, the higher your card in the search results. Ask guests to leave reviews after their visit, respond to negative comments and thank them for positive ones.

4. What mistakes do establishment owners make when working with Yandex.Maps?

Common mistakes: no card, unfilled description, no reviews, no photos or contacts added. Also, many forget to update the event poster, which reduces user interest.

5. Is it possible to promote a club or cinema in Yandex using advertising?

Yes, Yandex.Direct allows you to customize your ads so that your establishment appears at the top of search results. This is especially useful for events with a limited number of tickets or new establishments that want to quickly attract customers.

6. How to track the effectiveness of promotion in Yandex.Maps?

Yandex.Business has statistics: how many people viewed the card, made a route, called or followed a link. This allows you to analyze how effectively the promotion works and which methods are best to use.

7. What to do if we already have a card, but few clients?

Check how detailed the profile is: are there current photos, is the poster updated, are reviews collected. If the card is poorly designed, its position in the search decreases. We can conduct a free audit and help with optimization.

👉 Do you want your club, museum or cinema to attract more guests?
Sign up for an audit and get personal recommendations for promotion!

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1 comment

  • E
    Как здорово, что вы поделились таким подробным и полезным гайдом! Как СММ-специалист, я долго искала способы, как улучшить видимость музея нашего города в Яндекс.Картах, но всё не получалось. Теперь точно знаю, с чего начать: обновить карточку, активно работать с отзывами и следить за актуальностью информации. Также буду уделять больше внимания размещению фото и анонсов мероприятий, чтобы привлечь больше посетителей. Спасибо за вдохновение и столь ценные рекомендации!