Where is the best place to shop in Batumi. The best shops for an excellent purchase in Batumi, which every tourist should know.
Coming to another city, tourists try to find where they can buy authentic products that cannot be found in their homeland. This delicacy will be an ideal souvenir for loved ones. The blog "MadLoba" will tell you in which stores you can buy products at the best price, explain what points you need to pay attention to.
Find out where is the best place to shop in Batumi⬇️
Batumi is a large resort city in Georgia. There is a well-developed infrastructure, many entertainment venues and, of course, shops. Some of them are based in large shopping centers of the city, but there are some points that are not so widely known to tourists, but are very popular among locals.
We present to your attention a list of places that will help you buy the necessary goods and products and save your budget.
Elite Market
"Elite Market". It is located opposite the Museum of Art, in a modern beautiful house in the center of Batumi. For vacationers, this is a very convenient location.
A small shop where you can buy groceries, household chemicals, water and much more. In general, many well-known products and well-known brands are provided in the stores of Georgia. Therefore, if you forgot to take your favorite shampoo or other care products with you on a trip, then you will find all this on the shelves of local stores.
The Daily. There is little information on the Internet about this store, but there is a page on "Linked in". Here you will have to use a translator, and you will read the following: the company was founded in 2013, the first stores were opened in Kutaisi, and currently there are 11 branches in Kutaisi and 1 in Zestafoni. But this data is clearly outdated, since there is already such a store in Batumi.
The Daily website is also registered on the page, but by clicking on the link, you will find that it is not working yet.
This is a fairly large grocery store, which is located on Inasaridze Street, on the opposite side of the road from the more popular supermarket "Vilmart". For the purchase of the most necessary, the Daily store is quite suitable.
Ori nabiji
According to the store's website, as well as information on Google and Yandex maps, two stores of this chain have been opened in Batumi. However, in fact, there are several more of them.
Translated into Russian, the name sounds like “Two steps”, as shops are usually called within walking distance – small grocery departments where you can buy everything you need at low prices.
Also a good store, located in Batumi at the address: 64 Ivan Javakhishvili street. Unfortunately, the site is not working yet, but there is an Agrohaba page on Facebook. The hours of operation are indicated: from 9 to 22. The store, in size, is almost like «Carrefour». The goods are laid out beautifully and neatly.
A large selection of fresh fish. If desired, it will be cleaned on the spot for you. You can also buy farm products, semi-finished products, cooking: first courses, second courses, pastries. There is also a cafe with tables where you can taste products from cooking.
Here you can make thorough purchases or just buy essential goods.
Also in the building of the store there is a pharmacy, a department of alcoholic beverages. There are cabinets for storing things. You can pay for purchases in cash and by card.
"Bonus". On their Facebook page, you can find information about the company. "Bonus" is a supermarket chain, in Batumi you can visit 3 of them. 2 more are located in the villages of Chakvi and Akhalsopeli.
For example, the store on 105 Lermontov Street, which is located opposite the building of the Batumi City Hall, offers a good set of products. Here you can replenish stocks thoroughly, for a long time. And you can also buy household chemicals and dishes.

"Nazilbe". You can visit any of the 10 supermarkets, and there are also 2 pharmacies. On Leonidze Street, 8 is the largest in Batumi "Nazilbe", it works around the clock. The store on Gogol Street, 13 accepts customers from 9 to 24. The company offers on the nazilbe website.ge and on the Facebook page to get acquainted with the full information about the chain of its supermarkets throughout Adjara.
Nazilbe stores are very similar in format, size, and set of products to Bonus stores. But the company is also engaged in its own production: meat products, confectionery, six types of bread, pies, salads and much more. The vegetable department, as a rule, is not located in the store itself, but nearby, in tents, kiosks where you can choose fruits and vegetables.
"Billion." This is also a chain, there are several stores in Batumi. There is no information about this company on the Internet yet. Several addresses of shops are still known: 83 Petr Melikishvili Street; 13 Pushkin Street; as well as on the highway from the airport and in the Khelvachauri area.
"Magneti" (or "Magnet"). It is a supermarket chain throughout Georgia, with 208 branches. The Google map shows 4 stores in Batumi, but in reality there are more of them. One of them is located at the address of Tsar Parnavaz, 85. It is also similar to "Bonus" and "Nazilbe", only smaller in size. And in general, all the "Magnets" are very small, we can say tiny shops, with a standard set of departments: meat, bread, dairy products, a small department of household chemicals.
"Foodmart". The company was founded in 2013, there is a foodmart website.ge, where all branches are listed. It is very difficult to find these stores on maps, but 2 "Food Marts" are still listed in the center of Batumi. In addition to the standard set of products, you can also buy Nikora products in this store.
To search for the stores you are interested in, it is better to use two maps, Google and Yandex, because many addresses are not displayed the same on them yet or may not be on one of them at all.
When vacationing in any resort town, you want to save on groceries so that the budget allows you to fully enjoy entertainment and excursions. The Madloba catalog team tries to publish useful reviews and valuable recommendations for you on how to make your trip to Georgia bright and exciting, while not spending large sums.

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Для шопинга одежды и аксессуаров хорошо подходят торговые центры, например, Batumi Mall или Metro City Forum. Там много международных брендов, а также местных дизайнеров. Если вы любите рынки, советую заглянуть на центральный рынок Батуми. Там можно купить свежие фрукты, специи, домашние сыры и вино. Атмосфера здесь просто потрясающая!
В паре кварталов от него, на углу Багратиони и Агмашенебели есть «Турса» и «Джибе» (Jibe cash and carry, ჯიბე) — там тоже есть недорогие продукты и хозтовары.
Что можно сказать о статье.
✅ Положительный момент статьи: В этой статье блога "MadLoba" представлен список магазинов в Батуми, где можно приобрести продукты по выгодным ценам. Это полезно для тех, кто хочет купить аутентичные продукты в качестве сувениров или пополнить запасы на длительное время. Статья также указывает некоторые магазины, которые могут быть малоизвестны туристам, но пользуются популярностью у местных жителей. Это может помочь туристам сэкономить бюджет и получить полезный опыт покупок в Батуми.
✅ Отрицательный момент статьи: Один из потенциальных отрицательных моментов этой статьи может быть недостаточная информация о каждом магазине. Например, не указаны отзывы клиентов, качество обслуживания или подлинность указанных товаров. Также статья не упоминает возможные проблемы с выбором аутентичных продуктов или риски покупки подделок. Кроме того, отсутствие актуальных ссылок на сайты магазинов или их отсутствие может затруднить поиск информации и проверку актуальности предложений.
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