What wines in Georgia tourists don't usually try. Taste Kartli wines in Georgia. The lightest and tastiest wines.
Do you dislike many of the wines offered to tourists in stores? Are they too heavy for you? Would you like to try something lighter? Then you should definitely try wines from Kartli. These wines are not very popular, but they are much softer than all the other wines, so you will definitely like them.
Taste authentic Georgian wines⬇️
You don't like wine and even the well-known Georgian wine doesn't appeal to you? You don't understand why everyone is praising the wines in Georgia. Maybe you've just tasted the wrong wines, because not all of the best varieties are offered to tourists.
Want to know what wines you can try in Georgia? You'll find the answer in our article.
What do they give tourists to try first?
There are a huge number of wines in Georgia and of course you can't show all of them to tourists. Usually you are shown the classics of wine art - five wines that you can taste absolutely everywhere. There are three red wines that belong to these wine classics:
- Saperavi red dry wine.
- The most famous and popular wine, tourists often buy it, red semi-sweet - Kindzmarauli.
- The red semi-sweet wine, which is considered to be of higher quality and higher class than the previous ones (it is also known to be one of the wines preferred by Stalin) is Khvanchkara.
Tourists are also offered two kinds of white wines:
- Twishi white semi-sweet wine.
- White dry wine Rkatsiteli.
Everyone chooses a drink to his own taste, usually red wines are more popular. These above mentioned types of wines are produced not only by factories, but also by households. You can find them anywhere: in a store, in shops, they are served in a restaurant, in a cafe and many other places.
The most popular grape varieties used to make wine are Saperavi and Kindzmarauli (we have already listed the wines of the same name above). It is from these varieties of wine and offer tourists in most cases. They have already been tasted by almost the entire world. Many who have tasted the wines of these varieties have noticed that the wines turned out for them:
- Excessively strong;
- Unpleasantly sour;
- Not refined.
The wines from these grape varieties are not suitable for all tourists. If you find yourself among them, below you will learn about the wines that are "hidden" from you, but which will open the world of Georgian wine to you from a new perspective.
Wine that tourists don't see
The most delicious Georgian wine, which tourists usually "miss," is kept by locals. They know all the subtleties, all the tastes, and can offer you something you will definitely like. There is a wine that is much lighter than Saperavi wine. It is not like the other wines that are usually sold for "mass" tourist consumption.
Most of Georgia's most popular wines are produced in the Kakheti and Racha regions. But these are not the only places where wines are produced, of course. Special, unlike other tastes are produced in Kartli.
Wine Kartli
Kartli wines have some differences. They are made from endemic varieties of grapes. Another peculiarity of the wines is that they are made according to traditional Georgian technology, namely, aging in clay vessels. In today's world, not many popular wines are made this way - it is long and expensive.
The use of such a rare grape variety and the use of ancient technology during the production makes Kartli wines special. Once you taste them, unlike other wines, they will seem different:
- Less tart;
- More viscous and less sour;
- Softer and more subtle.
Surprisingly, these wines are not at all popular with tourists. They are considered too light.
But for many people who don't like alcohol at all, this will definitely seem like a plus.
Kartli wines are light, almost non-acidic, pleasant and easy to drink. If you don't like the wines that are sold in the usual format - in most stores and cafes - then be sure to try wines from Kartli. We can recommend several wines to you. Among the whites, pay attention to:
- Chinuri
- Goruli Mtsvane,
Among the reds, be sure to give it a try:
- Tavkveri
- Aladasturi.
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О Картлийском вине я не знала. Учитывая, что крепкие напитки я не люблю, думаю, что это легкое вино придётся мне по вкусу. Спасибо за такую ценную информацию.
Хотя я любил все дегустации, которые я посетил, но одна дегустация вина Тбилиси была особенно запоминающейся. Это была самая запоминающаяся дегустация вина в Тбилиси, которую я когда-либо посещал. Я попробовал так много разных вин, узнал много нового о производстве вина и провел замечательный вечер в компании местных виноделов.
Я хотел бы узнать, какое винодельческое предприятие было наиболее интересным и запоминающимся для вас в Грузии? Или может быть, вы можете поделиться советом о лучших маршрутах для дегустации местных вин? Я всегда готов открыть для себя новые места и наслаждать себя вкусными грузинскими винами!
Первая остановка на моем пути была в Кахети, знаменитом винодельческом регионе Грузии. Здесь я посетил несколько виноделен и познакомился с процессом производства вина, который в Грузии проходит по древним традициям. От прессования винограда ногами до хранения в глиняных кувшинках - вся эта трепетная работа создает великолепные вина.
Конечно же, мой фаворит - вина Грузии. Грузинские вина славятся своим многогранным вкусом и ароматом. От сухих красных вин до сладких белых - они подходят для любого вкуса и предпочтения. Я попробовал несколько сортов, и каждое из них оставило незабываемое впечатление.
Путешествия по грузинским винодельням не только позволили мне расширить свой уровень знаний о вине, но и знакомиться с удивительными людьми. Виноделы, с которыми я общался, делились своей страстью и любовью к виноделию, а также рассказывали о своих семейных традициях.
В общем, каждая моя остановка в грузинских винодельнях оставила след в моем сердце и в винном мире. Если вы когда-нибудь окажетесь в Грузии, обязательно отведайте ее знаменитых вин. Какие грузинские вина вы уже пробовали, и какие самым запомнились?
Я отдаю предпочтение полусладким красным винам, наверное, это стандартный выбор! Прочитав статью, узнала много интересного и полезного в выборе вина и вкусов.
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